Researcher's Night again in BME's Wind Tunnel Laboratory! Print E-mail
hétfő, 24 szeptember 2012


Hungarian speed-skating champions of the Hungarian National Skating Federation ( will be tested in the wind tunnel on the 28th of September 2012, on Friday night at BME's Theodore von Kármán Wind Tunnel Laboratory

Department of Fluid Mechanics / Theodore von Kármán Wind Tunnel Lab
(Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
H-1111 Budapest, Bertalan L. u. 4-6., BME „AE” building
28th of September 2012, on Friday “from dusk till dawn”’ 18h-24h


MAIN SHOW (18:30h; 19:30h; 20:30h; 21:30h; 22:30h; 23:30h)

1) Hungarian speed-skating champions (Péter DARÁZS– twofold Olympic champion
Torino / Vancouver, 2nd
 in European Championship, Hungarian champion; Dávid
Manó LÓTH – Hungarian champion; trainer: Attila TARCALI) of the Hungarian
National Skating Federation ( will be tested in the wind tunnel: on-
line measurement of the wind-induced drag forces on the skaters presenting various
postures in the horizontal flow wind tunnel. The approx. 15min show is repeated in
each hour.
2) The wind tunnel scale-model of the new sport stadium in Debrecen will be visualized
with laser light sheet.





The Laboratory offers extraordinary opportunity to take a look inside of various flow
phenomena: both models of experimental investigation and results of numerical
simulation of fluid flows are presented.
The Laboratory with its facilities is open to the public: the scaled-down models used in
the wind tunnel tests will be shown: they are illuminated by colour floodlight. (wind
tunnel models e.g. “Silver Arrow” WM-23 combat airplane from the 2nd WW; a terminal
building of the Dallas Airport (USA); Papp László Budapest Sportarena (H); cement
factory Steetley Building (UK), open air roof structures from USA and Dubai etc.).
- UV seeding + water filled U-tube manometer blasting race
- playstation with special viscoelastic fluid
- miniature wind farm
- huge vortice cannon
- In the NPL type wind tunnel: flow around model bus/car visualised by smoke & laser
- laser illuminated slow motion fluid flows
- Moreover, videos and photographs of artworks related to extraordinary fluid flow
phenomena, and also collection of historical photographs on the wind tunnel
construction from the 1930’s will be projected, too.


For brave visitors: you are welcome to experience the 60-70 km/h air stream in the
large wind tunnel in the meantime of the main shows.



All programs are free. Neither there is no need for registration.
For more information please visit the websites:   Dept. Fluid Mechanics (BME) Theodore von Kármán Wind Tunnel Laboratory Researchers’ Night program Hungarian National Skating Federation
Welcome on board!
Budapest, on the 17th
 of September, 2012.
J.M. Suda PhD, assistant professor
program responsibl



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