2024. 06. 18. 16:15:00 FINAL EXAM info -------- info on the BSc & MSc Final Exams -------- Dear Students! The final exam schedule can be seen on the link below: for the Final Exam of MSc in Mech Eng Mod / Fluid Mech spec (date: 26th June, 2024): http://www.ara.bme.hu/oktatas/tantargy/NEPTUN/ZAROVIZSGA-FINALEXAM/20240626_MScMechEngMod-FluidMechspec/ for the Final Exam of BSc in Mech Eng / Proc Eng spec (date: 2nd July, 2024) http://www.ara.bme.hu/oktatas/tantargy/NEPTUN/ZAROVIZSGA-FINALEXAM/20240702_BScMechEng-ProcEngspec/ Note that this is only a tentative schedule that will be finalized the day before the exam! I'm glad that the status of most students is already "absolutorium /leaving certificate/ received". But I see also that the status of some students is still "active". If all your subjects exams passed and all other prerequisites etc. are already fulfilled, then the CAO will set your status automatically to "absolutorium /leaving certificate/ received". Please don't ask me, I cannot help, cannot speed it up. They need time to check everything after the last exam passed, therefore all conditions must be met three working days prior to the date of the final examination at the latest. Hence, if you still have an exam to pass until, please check the Code of Studies! 149§(2): "After obtaining their leaving certificate, students are allowed to take their final examination if the criteria required to issue a leaving certificate prevail three working days prior to the date of the final examination at the latest." 151§(3): "Students or former students may cancel their registration by no later than 24 hours prior to the start of the final examinations in person or by sending an e-mail to the EOU organising the final examinations." (=secretary of the FEC = i.e. to me: "suda.jeno.miklos@gpk.bme.hu") These are very strong and basic rules, cannot be skipped! Some practical info: On the final exam the first 10 minutes is for the thesis presentation. Bring the presentation file (pdf, pptx) with you on a pendrive! The next 5 minutes is for the answers to the reviewer's and FEC questions. After that comes the oral exam. In case of a repeated exam only the failed subject can be repeated. There is no opening ceremony. Each students must arrive in time as indicated in the schedule. If you are late, you will loose time in the elaboration of the exam questions. The closing ceremony: all students must be present. In case of any other questions (thesis review, your answers, your thesis presentation format etc): please contact your supervisor! Best regards, Jenő M. Suda secretary of the Final Exam Committee (FEC) --- Dr. Suda Jenõ Miklós / Jenõ Miklós SUDA, PhD adjunktus / assistant professor tanulmányi felelõs / educational coordinator Áramlástan Tanszék / Department of Fluid Mechanics Gépészmérnöki Kar /Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Budapesti Mûszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem / Budapest University of Technology and Economics Elérhetõség: Cím: H-1111 Budapest, Bertalan Lajos utca 4-6., BME "Ae" ép. 108. Tel.: +36-1-463-3465, Fax.: +36-1-463-3464, mobil: +36-30-9938-619 E-mail: suda.jeno.miklos@gpk.bme.hu Web: http://www.ara.bme.hu Contact: Address: Bertalan Lajos 4-6., Budapest, H-1111 HUNGARY BME "Ae" building, room Nr.108. Phone: +36-1-463-3465, Fax.: +36-1-463-3464, GSM: +36-30-9938-619 E-mail: suda.jeno.miklos@gpk.bme.hu Website: http://www.ara.bme.hu