(0 "fluent12.0.16") (0 "Machine Config:") (4 (60 0 0 1 2 4 4 4 8 4 8 4)) (0 "Dimensions:") (2 2) (0 "Variables:") (37 ( (sizing-function/max-resolution 60) (sizing-function/resolution 3) (dynamesh/collapse/skew-max 0.7) (smooth-mesh/min-skew 0.4) (adapt/coarsen/marker/visible? #f) (adapt/coarsen/cell/visible? #t) (adapt/coarsen/cell/filled? #t) (adapt/refine/marker/visible? #f) (adapt/refine/cell/visible? #t) (adapt/refine/cell/filled? #t) (strategy/solution-strategy/modifications/status ()) (strategy/solution-strategy/original-settings/status ((executed? . #f) (converged? . #f) (start-iteration . 0))) (strategy/solution-strategy/before-init-modification/status ((executed? . #f) (converged? . #f) (start-iteration . 0))) (strategy/use-strategy? #f) (strategy/solution-strategy/modifications ((type . list-class) (min-length . 0) (max-length . #f) (curr-length . 0) (member-vars))) (strategy/solution-strategy/original-settings ((type . struct-class) (members-state (active? (value . #t) (type . boolean-class)) (name (value . "Original Settings") (type . string-class)) (command (value . "") (type . string-class)) (count (type . integer-class) (value . 1) (min . 0) (max . #f))))) (strategy/solution-strategy/before-init-modification ((type . struct-class) (members-state (active? (value . #f) (type . boolean-class)) (name (value . "Pre-Initialization") (type . string-class)) (command (value . "") (type . string-class)) (count (type . integer-class) (value . 0) (min . 0) (max . #f))))) (strategy/initialization-strategy ((selection . init-from-case) (type . union-class) (members-state (init-from-case . #f) (init-from-data-file (type . file-class) (value . "") (remote-file? . #t) (file-pattern . "*.dat*")) (init-from-solution (selection . init-from-case) (type . union-class) (members-state (init-from-case . #f) (init-from-data-file (type . file-class) (value . "") (remote-file? . #t) (file-pattern . "*.dat*"))))))) (parameters/enable-in-tui? #f) (parameters/output-parameters ()) (parameters/input-parameters ()) (histogram/scaling-method "") (histogram/use-scaling? #f) (fluent-case-version 50) (transient-post/monitors ()) (postdomain/index 1) (postdomain? #f) (user-wet-steam? #f) (udws/libname "") (wetsteam/b_max 0.1) (wsr/patch 0) (wsb/patch 0) (wsn/patch 0) (wsf/default 0) (wsr/default 0) (wsb/default 0) (wsn/default 0) (wetsteam/amg-stabilization 0) (wetsteam/scheme 0) (wetsteam/amg-method 0) (wetsteam/cycle-type 0) (wetsteam/amg-beta 0.7) (wetsteam/amg-alpha 0.1) (wetsteam/relax 0.1) (wetsteam/solve? #t) (mixing-plane/reduce-backflow? #f) (mixing-plane/ave-method 0) (mixing-plane/verbos-t-enthalpy? #f) (mixing-plane/conserve-t-enthalpy? #f) (mixing-plane/verbos-swirl? #f) (mixing-plane/conserve-swirl? #f) (mixing-plane/fix-pressure-level? #f) (mixing-plane/omega 1) (mixing-planes ()) (mfinlet/forced-supersonic-treatment? #f) (mfinlet/mfout-mach 0.98) (mfinlet/non-constant-flux? #t) (mfinlet/allow-reverse-flow? #t) (pinlet/use-extrapolated-pressure? #f) (pinlet/enhanced-backflow? #f) (non-reflecting/verbosity 1) (non-reflecting/recon? #t) (non-reflecting/omega 0.75) (non-reflecting-bcs? #f) (target-mfr-mach 0.98) (target-mfr-pmin 1) (target-mfr-pmax 5000000) (target-mfr-urf 0.05) (target-mfr-method 2) (target-mfr-verbos? #f) (target-mfr? #t) (poutlet/p-split-back? #t) (poutlet/p-ave-strong? #f) (poutlet/p-split-ausm? #t) (poutlet/ignore-back-swirl? #t) (inert/max-h-iterations 50) (inert/user-specified? #f) (inert/assumed? #t) (inert/mixture-name "inert-mixture") (inert/nspecies 3) (inert/composition (0.19110313 0.088028589 0.72086828)) (inert/species ("co2" "h2o" "n2")) (inert/assumed-species ("co2" "h2o" "n2")) (inert/assumed-comp (0.19110313 0.088028589 0.72086828)) (inert/user-species ("co2" "h2o" "n2")) (inert/user-comp (0.19110313 0.088028589 0.72086828)) (inert/h-c-ratio 2.25) (inert/amg-stabilization 0) (inert/default 0) (inert/patch 0) (inert/amg-method 0) (inert/cycle-type 0) (inert/amg-beta 0.7) (inert/amg-alpha 0.1) (inert/scheme 0) (inert/relax 1) (inert/solve? #t) (inert/off? #t) (par-premix/local-unburnt-props? #t) (ecfm-sigma/verbosity 0) (ecfm-sigma/kinetic-theory-ktc? #t) (ecfm-sigma/p3-rho-ratio? #f) (ecfm-sigma/ecfm-type "meneveau") (ecfm-sigma/delta-type "sutherland") (ecfm-sigma/itnfs-type "poinsot") (ecfm-sigma/spark-const 50) (ecfm-sigma/ecfm-spark-type "zimont") (ecfm-sigma/itnfs-fixed-val 50) (ecfm-sigma/delta-l 0.001) (ecfm-sigma/ucfm/beta2 0.1) (ecfm-sigma/ucfm/beta1 1) (ecfm-sigma/ucfm/alpha3 1.4) (ecfm-sigma/ucfm/alpha2 8.5) (ecfm-sigma/ucfm/alpha1 0.012) (ecfm-sigma/ucfm/alpha0 1) (ecfm-sigma/std2/beta1 1) (ecfm-sigma/std2/alpha3 1) (ecfm-sigma/std2/alpha2 1) (ecfm-sigma/std2/alpha1 1.6) (ecfm-sigma/std2/alpha0 1) (ecfm-sigma/std1/beta1 1) (ecfm-sigma/std1/alpha3 1) (ecfm-sigma/std1/alpha2 1) (ecfm-sigma/std1/alpha1 1.6) (ecfm-sigma/std1/alpha0 1) (ecfm-sigma/min-dl 1e-06) (ecfm-sigma/wall-flux-const 0.5) (ecfm-sigma/max-destruction-c 0.999) (ecfm-sigma/min-p3-c 0.001) (ecfm-sigma/min-destruction-sl 0.001) (ecfm-sigma/min-production-sl 0.001) (ecfm-sigma/amg-stabilization 0) (ecfm-sigma/default 1) (ecfm-sigma/patch 0) (ecfm-sigma/amg-method 0) (ecfm-sigma/cycle-type 0) (ecfm-sigma/amg-beta 0.7) (ecfm-sigma/amg-alpha 0.1) (ecfm-sigma/scheme 0) (ecfm-sigma/relax 0.9) (ecfm-sigma/solve? #t) (ecfm-sigma/off? #t) (ignition/octane-exp-gen 1) (ignition/equiv-exp-gen 1) (ignition/rpm-exp-gen 1) (ignition/temp-exp-gen 1) (ignition/press-exp-gen 1) (ignition/activate-gen 20080) (ignition/octane-gen 90) (ignition/pre-exp-gen 0.0405) (ignition/press-exp-de -1.7) (ignition/activate-de 3800) (ignition/octane-exp-de 3.402) (ignition/octane-de 90) (ignition/pre-exp-de 0.01768) (ignition/press-exp-hh 0.63) (ignition/activate-hh 618840) (ignition/cetane-hh 25) (ignition/pre-exp-hh 0.36) (ignition/dt-multiplier 3) (ignition/knock-act-temp -1507.8) (ignition/knock-pre-exp 8.6e+11) (ignition/ignite-sp-cut 0.5) (ignition/prod-fuel-cut 0.99) (ignition/burning-cutoff 1) (ignition/ignite-sp-max 5) (ignition/stoich-a-f-ratio 14.7) (ignition/fuel-species "") (ignition/amg-stabilization 0) (ignition/default 0) (ignition/patch 0) (ignition/amg-method 0) (ignition/cycle-type 0) (ignition/amg-beta 0.7) (ignition/amg-alpha 0.1) (ignition/scheme 0) (ignition/relax 0.7) (ignition/general? #f) (ignition/douaud? #f) (ignition/hardenburg? #f) (ignition/delay? #f) (ignition/knock? #f) (ignition/solve? #t) (ignition/off? #t) (spark/burn-init-fuel? #f) (spark/diffusion-time 1e-05) (spark/max-temp 2500) (spark/energy 0.1) (spark/duration 0.001) (spark/start-ca 0) (spark/start-time 0) (spark/time-exponent 0.333333) (spark/time-dep-geom? #f) (spark/fixed-geom? #f) (spark/fixed-box? #t) (spark/fixed-cylinder? #f) (spark/fixed-sphere? #f) (spark/shape "hexahedron") (spark/z-height 0.002) (spark/y-height 0.002) (spark/x-height 0.002) (spark/radius-final 0.005) (spark/radius 0.002) (spark/z-loc 0) (spark/y-loc 0) (spark/x-loc 0) (spark/off? #t) (crevice/threads ()) (crevice/unit-roundoff 1e-06) (crevice/relax 0.8) (crevice/exit-pressure 101325) (crevice/mid-gap-cd 0.7) (crevice/pressures (101325 101325 101325 101325 101325)) (crevice/bot-ring-gap (1e-05 1e-05 1e-05)) (crevice/mid-ring-gap (4e-06 4e-06 4e-06)) (crevice/top-ring-gap (1e-05 1e-05 1e-05)) (crevice/land-length (0.00391 0.00391 0.00391)) (crevice/ring-spacing (0.00391 0.00391 0.00391)) (crevice/ring-mass (0.00375 0.00375 0.00375)) (crevice/ring-thickness (0.002 0.002 0.002)) (crevice/ring-width (0.00375 0.00375 0.00375)) (crevice/piston-bore-clearance 5.08e-05) (crevice/sector-angle 360) (crevice/piston-temperature 400) (crevice/output-file "crev.out") (crevice/bore 0.1016) (crevice/n-rings 3) (crevice/ring-dynamics? #f) (crevice/write? #f) (crevice/solve? #f) (crevice/enabled? #f) (acoustics/time-stepn "") (acoustics/q-mesh-filename "") (acoustics/mesh-filename "") (acoustics/write-cgns? #f) (acoustics/cylindrical-export? #f) (acoustics/auto-prune? #t) (acoustics/interior-list ()) (acoustics/write-only? #f) (acoustics/write? #f) (acoustics/source-files ()) (acoustics/thread-types ()) (acoustics/required-filenames ()) (acoustics/writable-threads ()) (acoustics/required-threads ()) (acoustics/receivers ()) (acoustics/file-lines 500) (acoustics/read-and-compute? #f) (acoustics/on-the-fly? #f) (acoustics/index-filename "") (acoustics/source-filename "") (acoustics/base-filename "") (acoustics/frequency 1) (models/timer-cutoff 0.1) (show-beta-features? #f) (charge-density/enabled? #f) (magnetic-permeability/enabled? #f) (electric-conductivity/only-const-enabled? #f) (electric-conductivity/enabled? #f) (em/model-enabled? #f) (save-cell-residuals? #f) (domains (((4 interaction-domain interaction) (parent-id . 1) (virtual-mass? . #f) (wall-adhesion? . #f) (drag (air water-liquid (schiller-naumann . #f))) (lift (air water-liquid (none . #f))) (restitution) (slip-velocity (air water-liquid (manninen-et-al . #f))) (heat-coeff (air water-liquid (none . #f))) (cavitation? . #f) (cavitation (vapor-pressure (constant . 2367.8)) (surface-tension-coefficient (constant . 0.071699999)) (non-condensable-gas-mass-frac (constant . 1.5e-05))) (mass-transfer) (sfc-tension-coeff (air water-liquid (none . #f))) (reactions)) ((3 phase-domain air) (parent-id . 1) (dpm-phase? . #f) (material . air) (granular? . #f) (packed-bed? . #f) (pde-granular? . #f) (iac? . #f) (diameter (constant . 0.003)) (viscosity (constant . 9.9999997e-06)) (bulk-viscosity (constant . 0)) (friction-viscosity (none . #f)) (friction-angle (constant . 0.5236)) (frictional-pressure (based-ktgf . #f)) (frictional-modulus (derived . #f)) (friction-packing (constant . 0.61)) (granular-conductivity (syamlal-obrien . #f)) (granular-temperature (algebraic . #f)) (solids-pressure (lun-et-al . #f)) (radial-distribution (lun-et-al . #f)) (elasticity-modulus (derived . #f)) (packing (constant . 0.63)) (iac-coalescence-kernel (none . #f)) (iac-breakage-kernel (none . #f)) (iac-surface-tension (constant . 0.072800003)) (iac-min-diameter (constant . 9.9999997e-05)) (iac-max-diameter (constant . 0.0099999998)) (iac-dissipation-rate (constant . 0.0099999998)) (iac-hydraulic-diam (constant . 0.0099999998)) (iac-critical-weber (constant . 6))) ((2 phase-domain water-liquid) (parent-id . 1) (dpm-phase? . #f) (material . water-liquid) (granular? . #f) (packed-bed? . #f) (pde-granular? . #f) (iac? . #f) (diameter (constant . 1e-05)) (viscosity (constant . 1e-05)) (bulk-viscosity (constant . 0)) (friction-viscosity (none . #f)) (friction-angle (constant . 0.5236)) (frictional-pressure (based-ktgf . #f)) (frictional-modulus (derived . #f)) (friction-packing (constant . 0.61)) (granular-conductivity (syamlal-obrien . #f)) (granular-temperature (algebraic . #f)) (solids-pressure (lun-et-al . #f)) (radial-distribution (lun-et-al . #f)) (elasticity-modulus (derived . #f)) (packing (constant . 0.63)) (iac-coalescence-kernel (none . #f)) (iac-breakage-kernel (none . #f)) (iac-surface-tension (constant . 0.0728)) (iac-min-diameter (constant . 0.0001)) (iac-max-diameter (constant . 0.01)) (iac-dissipation-rate (constant . 0.01)) (iac-hydraulic-diam (constant . 0.01)) (iac-critical-weber (constant . 6))) ((1 geom-domain mixture) (children 2 3 4) (material . air)))) (md/verbosity 1) (target/sv-list ()) (target/domain-list ()) (target/thread-list ()) (turbo-vector? #f) (turbo-projection/method (0)) (turbo-search/method (1)) (turbo-grid/method (0)) (turbo/current-topology -1) (turbo/topology-count 0) (turbo/machine-type 0) (turbo/zones/blade ()) (turbo/zones/outlet ()) (turbo/zones/inlet ()) (turbo/zones/theta-periodic ()) (turbo/zones/theta-max ()) (turbo/zones/theta-min ()) (turbo/zones/shroud ()) (turbo/zones/hub ()) (turbo/topology-list ()) (turbo? #f) (network/history-file "") (save-network-history? #f) (oned/library-case "") (oned/library-name "none") (glass-model? #f) (shell/ignore-partition-check? #f) (in-plane/zero-dir (0 1 0)) (dual-cell/store-nbr-data? #f) (dual-cell/conservative-heat-transfer? #f) (dual-cell-heatxc/verbosity? #f) (dc/extrapolation-method "default") (dual-cell/alternate-formulation? #f) (dual-cell-heatxc/data ()) (dual-cell-heatxc/on? #f) (heatxc/initialize-metrics? #t) (heatxc/inlet-temp/urf 0.8) (heatxc/cross-flow? #t) (heatxc/groups ()) (heatxc/geom ()) (heatxc/ntu-approach? #t) (heatxc/sv-ratio 1) (heatxc/verbosity 0) (heatxc/models ()) (heatxc/on? #f) (case-file-units "si") (airpak-specific? #f) (temperature/split-source-by-ratio? #f) (atm-ht-v5? #f) (planar-conduction? #f) (init-fans? #f) (icepak? #f) (ffc? #f) (face-only? #f) (monitor/commands ()) (monitor/volume ()) (monitor/surfaces ()) (statistics/window -1) (statistics/plot? #f) (statistics/print? #f) (statistics/monitors ()) (fmon/cm/rvz 0) (fmon/cm/rvy 0) (fmon/cm/rvx 0) (fmon/cm/axis (0 0 1)) (fmon/cm/window -1) (fmon/cm/per-zone? #f) (fmon/cm/plot? #f) (fmon/cm/file-name "cm-history") (fmon/cm/write? #f) (fmon/cm/print? #f) (fmon/cm/data? #f) (fmon/cm/thread-list ()) (fmon/cl/fvz 0) (fmon/cl/fvy 1) (fmon/cl/fvx 0) (fmon/cl/window -1) (fmon/cl/per-zone? #f) (fmon/cl/plot? #f) (fmon/cl/file-name "cl-history") (fmon/cl/write? #f) (fmon/cl/print? #f) (fmon/cl/data? #f) (fmon/cl/thread-list ()) (fmon/cd/window -1) (fmon/cd/fvz 0) (fmon/cd/fvy 0) (fmon/cd/fvx 1) (fmon/cd/per-zone? #f) (fmon/cd/plot? #f) (fmon/cd/file-name "cd-history") (fmon/cd/write? #f) (fmon/cd/print? #f) (fmon/cd/data? #f) (fmon/cd/thread-list ()) (file-write/particle-vars ()) (file-write/frequency 1) (mmp/autosave/file-decimal-digits 6) (mmp/autosave/file-suffix-type "time-step") (mmp/autosave/overwrite? #f) (mmp/autosave/filename "") (mmp/autosave/numfiles 0) (mmp/autosave/frequency/data 1) (mmp/autosave/frequency/case 1) (wb/original-mesh? #t) (wb/original-case? #t) (autosave/run-number 1) (autosave/solution-points ((2057 (unsteady? . #t) (flow-time . 2) (time-step . 200) (case-file . "Z:\for jeremy\bubble-col\solution files\becker-1.cas") (data-file . #f)))) (autosave/save-case-preference 0) (autosave/file-decimal-digits 6) (autosave/file-suffix-type "time-step") (autosave/overwrite? #f) (autosave/filename "Z:\for jeremy\bubble-col\solution files\becker") (autosave/numfiles 0) (autosave/frequency/data 200) (autosave/frequency/case 0) (hg/hg-hcl-rate (12044.09 0 18000)) (hg/fuel-data-list2 ("" "" "" "" "")) (hg/fuel-data-list1 (-1 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0)) (hg/model 0) (hg/tmax-value2 2300) (hg/tmax-value1 1.1) (hg/tmax-method 0) (hg/pdf-type 0) (hg/tvar-method 0) (hg/turbulent-nint 10) (hg/turbulent-spe1 "") (hg/turbulent-mode 0) (hg/turbulent? #f) (hg/inlet-diffusion? #f) (hg/user-source-only? #f) (soot/oh-pe (212.9 -0.57 4595)) (soot/o-fe (397000 -0.5 31090)) (soot/o-pe (36.64 0.5 27123)) (soot/ctar-soot-rate (5.02e+08 0 198900)) (soot/ctar-gasf-rate (9.77e+10 0 286900)) (soot/ctar-oxid-rate (677000 0 52300)) (soot/ctar-fuels ("")) (soot/ctar-nfspe (0)) (soot/ctar-pdfsid (0)) (soot/ctar-frac (0.3)) (soot/uds-id 0) (soot/precmixf-from-uds 0) (soot/precmixf-from-pdf 1) (soot/prec-coeffs (3 3 0 0.0575 3.797003e-06 -0.001920161 0.05277236 7 0.0575 0.128 1.051312 -71.34743 1964.038 -28182.59 223543.4 -932192 1599627 3 0.128 1 0.007988928 -0.008440912 0.0004273194)) (soot/h2o-massfrac 0) (soot/co2-massfrac 0) (soot/o2-massfrac 0.233) (soot/precmw 26) (soot/fuel-mf (1)) (soot/fuel-hnum (4)) (soot/fuel-cnum (1)) (soot/fuel-spec-list ()) (soot/fuel-nsfuel 1) (soot/sgs-to-fuel-frac 1) (soot/prec-to-fuel-frac 1) (soot/oh-mode 1) (soot/o-mode 0) (soot/lee-t2 19778) (soot/lee-c2 8903.51) (soot/lee-c1 105.81) (soot/lee-coxid 1) (soot/lee-coleff 0.13) (soot/fjo-coxid 1) (soot/fjo-coleff 0.04) (soot/fjo-comega 105.8125) (soot/mbh-nuc-t2 6390) (soot/mbh-nuc-t1 4378) (soot/mbh-nuc-c2 (178 9.5)) (soot/mbh-nuc-c1 (127 8.88)) (soot/mbh-cgamma 9000.6) (soot/mbo-tgamma 12100) (soot/mbo-talpha 21100) (soot/mbo-cgamma 11700) (soot/mbo-cbeta 1) (soot/mbo-calpha 54) (soot/sgs-soot ()) (soot/prec-soot ()) (soot/prec-from 0) (soot/precsgs-list ("c2h2" "c6h6" "c2h4")) (soot/two-magnus 4) (soot/two-beta 8e-14) (soot/two-alpha 100000) (soot/two-activ-energ 90000) (soot/two-exp 2.32e+17) (soot/two-linear 1e-15) (soot/two-branch 100) (soot/two-limit 1e-10) (soot/one-magnus 4) (soot/one-activ-energ 20000) (soot/one-equi-max 3) (soot/one-equi-min 1.67) (soot/one-equi-exp 3) (soot/one-cf 1.5) (soot/oxid-soot "") (soot/fuel-soot ()) (soot/fuel-stoich 3.6363) (soot/soot-stoich 2.6667) (soot/soot-mean-dens 2000) (soot/soot-incp-mass 144) (soot/soot-mean-diam 2.2e-08) (soot/user-source-only? #f) (soot/radio-soot-general? #f) (soot/radio-soot-none? #t) (soot/oxidation-lee? #f) (soot/oxidation-fjo? #t) (soot/tar-species "") (soot/solve-ctar? #f) (soot/coal-derived? #f) (soot/moss-brookes-hall? #f) (soot/moss-brookes? #f) (soot/two-step? #f) (soot/one-step? #f) (soot/tmax-value2 2300) (soot/tmax-value1 1.1) (soot/tmax-method 0) (soot/pdf-type 0) (soot/tvar-method 0) (soot/turbulent-nint 10) (soot/turbulent-spe1 "") (soot/turbulent-mode 0) (soot/turbulent? #f) (soot/turb-schmidt 0.7) (soot/inlet-diffusion? #f) (soot/max-soot-fuel 3) (soot/max-sgs-spec 5) (soot/max-prec-spec 5) (sox/h-oh-f (2.2e+10 -2 0)) (sox/so-o-r (1.90546e+14 0 124404)) (sox/so-o-f (8.70965e+09 -1.8 0)) (sox/sh-h-r (8.66961e+14 0 91247)) (sox/sh-h-f (1096.48 0 0)) (sox/so-o2-r (1663410 0 18189)) (sox/so-o2-f (446683 0 6458)) (sox/h2s-o-r (9.88553e+08 0 14420)) (sox/h2s-o-f (4365.16 0 3298)) (sox/sh-o-r (2.98539e+09 0 40484)) (sox/sh-o-f (3.54814e+08 0 642)) (sox/so-oh-r (7.6913e+09 0 28358)) (sox/so-oh-f (1.62181e+08 0 613)) (sox/h2s-oh-r (31045600 0 29111)) (sox/h2s-oh-f (138.039 0 894)) (sox/h2s-h-r (9375620 0 14940)) (sox/h2s-h-f (18197000 0 1788)) (sox/so3-o-r (100 0 9500)) (sox/so3-o-f (1200000 0 9500)) (sox/so2-o-r (7.41e+14 -1 82689)) (sox/so2-o-f (363 0 -1000)) (sox/h2-h-ratio 1) (sox/h-o-ratio 0.5) (sox/eval-s-balance? #f) (sox/rate-limit 1000000) (sox/old-kp? #f) (sox/product-intermed? #f) (sox/product-so3? #f) (sox/fuel-chars-h2s-frac 0) (sox/fuel-chars-so2-frac 1) (sox/fuel-chars-convfrac 1) (sox/fuel-volts-h2s-frac 1) (sox/fuel-volts-so2-frac 0) (sox/fuel-volts-convfrac 1) (sox/fuel-fuels-h2s-frac 1) (sox/fuel-fuels-so2-frac 0) (sox/fuel-fuels-convfrac 1) (sox/fuel-char-s-to 0) (sox/fuel-s-intermediate 0) (sox/fuel-ys-char 0) (sox/fuel-ys-volatile 0) (sox/fuel-ys-fuel 0) (sox/fuel-species "") (sox/fuel-type 1) (sox/fuel-data-list2 ("" "" "" "" "")) (sox/fuel-data-list1 (-1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0)) (sox/oh-mode 1) (sox/o-mode 0) (sox/tmax-value2 2300) (sox/tmax-value1 1.1) (sox/tmax-method 0) (sox/pdf-type 0) (sox/tvar-method 0) (sox/turbulent-nint 10) (sox/turbulent-spe1 "") (sox/turbulent-mode 0) (sox/turbulent? #f) (sox/inlet-diffusion? #f) (sox/user-replace? #f) (sox/user-sox? #f) (nox/sncr-urea-n2o-m-f (6.9e+17 -2.5 64760)) (nox/sncr-urea-n2o-oh-f (2000000 0 10000)) (nox/sncr-urea-nco-oh-f (10000000 0 0)) (nox/sncr-urea-nco-no-f (10000000 0 -390)) (nox/sncr-urea-hnco-m-f (2.4e+08 0.85 68000)) (nox/sncr-urea-decomp-2 (61300 0 20980)) (nox/sncr-urea-decomp-1 (12700 0 15540)) (nox/sncr-nh3-no-f2 (0.35 7.65 125300)) (nox/sncr-nh3-n2-f2 (424 5.3 83600)) (nox/sncr-nh3-no-f (2.21e+14 0 38160)) (nox/sncr-nh3-n2-f (2.45e+14 0 29400)) (nox/reburn-oh-h2-r (452000 1.6 80815)) (nox/reburn-oh-h2-f (102000 1.6 13802)) (nox/reburn-ch1-peq-ch0 (580000 -2.64 -77077)) (nox/reburn-ch1-peq-ch1 (63000000 -3.33 15090)) (nox/reburn-ch1-peq-ch2 (0 0 0)) (nox/reburn-ch2-peq-ch0 (1.3e+08 -2.64 -77077)) (nox/reburn-ch2-peq-ch1 (1.4e+10 -3.33 15090)) (nox/reburn-ch2-peq-ch2 (2300000 -1.54 27977)) (nox/reburn-ch3-peq-ch0 (2.1e+10 -2.64 -77077)) (nox/reburn-ch3-peq-ch1 (2.3e+12 -3.33 15090)) (nox/reburn-ch3-peq-ch2 (3.7e+08 -1.54 27977)) (nox/reburn-ch4-peq-ch0 (3.06e+11 -2.64 -77077)) (nox/reburn-ch4-peq-ch1 (3.31e+13 -3.33 15090)) (nox/reburn-ch4-peq-ch2 (5.3e+09 -1.54 27977)) (nox/reburn-ch3-no (200000 0 0)) (nox/reburn-ch2-no (1400000 0 550)) (nox/reburn-ch1-no (1e+08 0 0)) (nox/n2opath-n2o-no1-r (1.45e-29 9.259 11651)) (nox/n2opath-n2o-no1-f (29000000 0 11651)) (nox/n2opath-n2-n2o-r (4e+08 0 28234)) (nox/n2opath-n2-n2o-f (4.44e+32 -8.358 28234)) (nox/fuel-char-no (230 0 34100)) (nox/fuel-nh3-no-r (1.8e+08 0 27000)) (nox/fuel-nh3-no-f (4000000 0 32000)) (nox/fuel-hcn-no-r (3e+12 0 60000)) (nox/fuel-hcn-no-f (1e+10 0 67000)) (nox/prompt-no (6400000 0 72500)) (nox/thermal-oh-pe (212.9 -0.57 4595)) (nox/thermal-o-fe (397000 -0.5 31090)) (nox/thermal-o-pe (36.64 0.5 27123)) (nox/thermal-z3-r (1.7e+08 0 24560)) (nox/thermal-z3-f (71000000 0 450)) (nox/thermal-z2-r (3810 1 20820)) (nox/thermal-z2-f (18000 1 4680)) (nox/thermal-z1-r (38000000 0 425)) (nox/thermal-z1-f (1.8e+08 0 38370)) (nox/urea-to-hnco-frac 0.45) (nox/urea-to-nh3-frac 0.55) (nox/urea-decomp-model 0) (nox/sncr-co-shift-const (17.5 68)) (nox/sncr-co-shift? #f) (nox/sncr-o2vf-limit 0) (nox/sncr-temp-max 1373) (nox/sncr-temp-min 1073) (nox/sncr-chem-model 1) (nox/sncr-pdf-f-reagent 1) (nox/sncr-pdf-stream-id 1) (nox/sncr-species "") (nox/sncr-injection-type 0) (nox/reburn-temp-max 2100) (nox/reburn-temp-min 1600) (nox/reburn-modhcn-rate 0.0004) (nox/reburn-modno-rate 0.0004) (nox/reburn-fuel-species-list ()) (nox/reburn-fuel-species "") (nox/reburn-fuel-type 0) (nox/reburn-model 0) (nox/n2opath-oh-mode 0) (nox/n2opath-o-mode 0) (nox/n2opath-n2o-model 0) (nox/fuel-nh3-switch 1) (nox/fuel-charn-nh3-frac 0) (nox/fuel-charn-hcn-frac 0) (nox/fuel-charn-nox-frac 1) (nox/fuel-charn-convfrac 1) (nox/fuel-char-n-to 3) (nox/fuel-bet-area 25000) (nox/fuel-yn-char 0) (nox/fuel-yn-volatile 0) (nox/fuel-yn-fuel 0) (nox/fuel-voltn-nh3-frac 0) (nox/fuel-voltn-hcn-frac 1) (nox/fuel-voltn-nox-frac 0) (nox/fuel-voltn-convfrac 1) (nox/fuel-fueln-nh3-frac 0) (nox/fuel-fueln-hcn-frac 1) (nox/fuel-fueln-nox-frac 0) (nox/fuel-fueln-convfrac 1) (nox/fuel-n-intermediate 2) (nox/fuel-fuel-species "") (nox/fuel-type 0) (nox/fuel-data-list2 ("" "" "" "" "")) (nox/fuel-data-list1 (-1 0 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 0 1 0 3 0 1 1 0 0 25000)) (nox/prompt-equivalence-ratio 1) (nox/prompt-carbon-number 1) (nox/prompt-fuel-species-list ()) (nox/prompt-fuel-species "") (nox/thermal-limit-switch 0) (nox/thermal-oh-mode 0) (nox/thermal-o-mode 0) (nox/user-eq-mw (30.0061 27.02582 17.03061 44.0128 60.05583 43.02522 42.01725)) (nox/set-user-mw? #f) (nox/tmax-value2 2300) (nox/tmax-value1 1.1) (nox/tmax-method 0) (nox/pdf-type 0) (nox/tvar-method 0) (nox/turbulent-nint 10) (nox/turbulent-spe1 "") (nox/turbulent-mode 0) (nox/turbulent? #f) (nox/inlet-diffusion? #f) (nox/sncr-udf-replace? #f) (nox/n2opath-udf-replace? #f) (nox/fuel-udf-replace? #f) (nox/prompt-udf-replace? #f) (nox/thermal-udf-replace? #f) (nox/user-nox? #f) (nox/sncr-nox? #f) (nox/reburn-nox? #f) (nox/n2opath-nox? #f) (nox/fuel-nox? #f) (nox/prompt-nox? #f) (nox/thermal-nox? #f) (nox/max-rbfuel-spec 5) (nox/max-fuel-spec 10) (soot/beta-models? #f) (sox/beta-models? #f) (pollutant/pdf-all-cells? #t) (pollutant/int-data 0) (pollutant/real-data 0) (pollut_hg/eq_start 15) (pollut_soot/eq_start 12) (pollut_sox/eq_start 7) (pollut_ctar/patch 0) (pollut_nuclei/patch 0) (pollut_soot/patch 0) (pollut_so/patch 0) (pollut_sh/patch 0) (pollut_so3/patch 0) (pollut_h2s/patch 0) (pollut_so2/patch 0) (pollut_nco/patch 0) (pollut_hnco/patch 0) (pollut_urea/patch 0) (pollut_n2o/patch 0) (pollut_nh3/patch 0) (pollut_hcn/patch 0) (pollut_no/patch 0) (tvar/cdiss 2) (tvar/cprod 2.86) (tvar/explicit-relax 1) (tvar/residual-tolerance 0.0001) (tvar/iter-tolerance 0.05) (tvar/max-iter 5) (tvar/patch 0) (tvar/default 0) (tvar/amg-stabilization 0) (tvar/amg-method 0) (tvar/cycle-type 0) (tvar/amg-beta 0.7) (tvar/amg-alpha 0.1) (tvar/scheme 0) (tvar/relax 0.9) (tvar/solve? #f) (pollutant/patch (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)) (pollutant/default (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)) (pollutant/amg-stabilization (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)) (pollutant/amg-method (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)) (pollutant/cycle-type (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)) (pollutant/amg-beta (0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7)) (pollutant/amg-alpha (0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1)) (pollutant/scheme (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)) (pollutant/relax (0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9)) (pollutant/solve? (#f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f)) (pollutant/active? (#f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f)) (dpm/io/keep-part-id? #f) (dpm/allow-nita? #f) (dpm/verbosity 1) (dpm/transient/export-name "particle-data-1") (dpm/dpm-vof/euler/check-neighbour-vof? #t) (dpm/dpm-vof/euler/max-vof-factor 0.75) (dpm/dpm-vof/euler/solve-eulerian? #f) (dpm/n-dpm-domains 0) (dpm/dpm-vof-gran-temp-lower-limit 1e-05) (dpm/dpm-vof-velocity-correction? #f) (dpm/dpm-vof-scheme-type 0) (dpm/dpm-vof-show-internal-variables? #f) (dpm/dpm_vof? #f) (dpm/latent-heat-at-boiling? #t) (dpm/absolute-pressure? #t) (dpm/raoult? #f) (dpm/multicomponent-tolerance 1e-05) (dpm/multicomponent-boiling? #t) (dpm/cp-correction? #t) (dpm/rkmulticomponent? #t) (dpm/gauss-random 0.5) (dpm/random-gauss? #t) (dpm/uniform-random 0.5) (dpm/random-uniform? #t) (dpm/tracking-order-randomizations 0) (dpm/rkvaporization? #f) (dpm/minimum-vapor-fraction 0.01) (dpm/virtual-mass-factor 0.5) (dpm/pressure-force-explicit? #f) (dpm/flush-sources-at-timestep? #t) (dpm/fluid-flow-time-stepping? #t) (dpm/create-particles-with-particle-time-step? #f) (dpm/last-time-step 0) (dpm/n-time-steps 1) (dpm/time-step 0) (dpm/physical-time-step 0.001) (dpm/flow-time 0) (dpm/short-wave-airblast? #f) (dpm/stagger-factor 1) (dpm/stagger_radius_standard_inj 0) (dpm/stagger-temporally? #f) (dpm/stagger_atomizer_inj? #t) (dpm/stagger_standard_inj? #f) (dpm/wall-film-expert? #f) (dpm/film-splash-angle-slope 0.266) (dpm/film-splash-angle 65.4) (dpm/film-min-dsplash-param 0.02) (dpm/film-max-face-dist 1e-05) (dpm/film-m-imp-interaction 0) (dpm/film-p-imp-interaction 0) (dpm/film-mean-interaction 0) (dpm/film-gas-interaction #t) (dpm/film-visc-interaction #t) (dpm/film-separation-height 1e-05) (dpm/film-separation-angle 90) (dpm/film-node-values? #t) (dpm/pathlines-single-id -1) (dpm/pathlines-low-order? #f) (dpm/pathlines-relative? #t) (dpm/pathline-face-intersection-algorithm 0) (dpm/particle-relocation 2) (dpm/particle-synchronization 1) (dpm/particle-recreate 1) (dpm/particle-reset 2) (dpm/particle-repartition-algorithm 3) (dpm/face-intersection-algorithm 5) (dpm/display-steps 1) (dpm/lowest-mass 5.236e-25) (dpm/lowest-diameter 1e-08) (dpm/number-of-cells-to-cross 1) (dpm/acceleration-to-faces-for-rk? #t) (dpm/auto-max-step-size-refinements 20) (dpm/auto-max-error 1e-05) (dpm/auto-tracking-scheme-selection? #t) (dpm/limit-min-time-step? #t) (dpm/tracking-scheme 1) (dpm/tracking-scheme-high 1) (dpm/tracking-scheme-low 0) (dpm/auto-step-size-control? #t) (dpm/max-find-cell-depth 2000) (dpm/debug-output-level 0) (dpm/variable-interpolation/velocity-wall-interpolation? #f) (dpm/variable-interpolation? #t) (dpm/search-before-iteration? #f) (dpm/closest-face-search? #t) (dpm/pre-write-particle-project? #t) (dpm/pre-write-particle-check? #f) (dpm/use-face-v-with-b-injection? #t) (dpm/disallow-aborted-particles? #t) (dpm/closest-cell-search? #t) (dpm/full-pointwise-search? #f) (dpm/nd-point-search/polyhedron-tet-division-level 0) (dpm/nd-point-search? #t) (dpm/sample-pre "") (dpm/collect-sample? #f) (dpm/eulerian_source_term_coupling? #f) (dpm/sources-max-part-ap 0.1) (dpm/sources-as-in-v61? #f) (dpm/sources-delta-implicit? #t) (dpm/sources-implicit? #t) (dpm/sources-every-flow-iteration? #t) (dpm/implicit-momentum-coupling? #t) (dpm/steady-spray-cfl 5) (dpm/levich-breakup-constant 14.9) (dpm/levich-breakup-type 0) (dpm/spray-suite-consts (8 5 0.5 0.33333333 3.3333333 1 0.188 1.73 0.61 0 14.9 0.5 0.1)) (dpm/wave-mass-cutoff 0.05) (dpm/atomizer-spread-param 3.5) (dpm/tab-spread-parameter 3.5) (dpm/lower-tab-diameter-ratio 0) (dpm/number-tab-diameters 2) (dpm/random-tab-diam? #f) (dpm/spray-suite-khrt? #f) (dpm/spray-suite-wave-rayleigh-growth? #t) (dpm/spray-suite-wave-collide? #t) (dpm/spray-suite-wave? #f) (dpm/spray-suite-tab? #f) (dpm/spray-suite-break-up? #f) (dpm/spray-suite-collision-stencil-size 1) (dpm/spray-suite-collision-event-type 0) (dpm/spray-suite-collision-model-type 0) (dpm/spray-suite-beta-models? #f) (dpm/spray-suite-coalescence? #t) (dpm/spray-suite-collide? #f) (dpm/pdf-tran-unsteady-rho-limit 0.1) (dpm/pdf-tran-inc-time-avg 0) (dpm/pdf-tran-num-time-avg 50) (dpm/pdf-tran-num-fv-steps 1) (dpm/pdf-tran-num-pdf-steps 1) (dpm/pdf-tran-time-step 1) (dpm/pdf-tran-freq-num 0.5) (dpm/pdf-tran-fourier-num 0.5) (dpm/pdf-tran-cfl-num 0.5) (dpm/pdf-tran-local-time-step? #t) (dpm/pdf-tran-ppc-d 0.1) (dpm/pdf-tran-ppc-c 0.1) (dpm/pdf-tran-ppc-b 0.1) (dpm/pdf-tran-ppc-a 0.1) (dpm/pdf-tran-position-correct? #f) (dpm/pdf-tran-number-control? #t) (dpm/pdf-tran-cphi 2) (dpm/pdf-tran-mixing-model 2) (dpm/pdf-tran-ta-counter 0) (dpm/pdf-tran-num-part-per-cell 20) (pdf-transport-expert? #f) (pdf-transport/solve? #t) (dpm/surface-injection-delta 1e-05) (dpm/higher-order? #t) (dpm/coupled-update? #f) (dpm/current-report-variables ("Particle X Position" "Particle Y Position" "Particle Z Position" "Particle X Velocity" "Particle Y Velocity" "Particle Z Velocity" "Particle Diameter" "Particle Temperature" "Particle Density" "Particle Mass" "Particle Number in Parcel" "Color by")) (dpm/report-sig-fig 5) (dpm/track-in-absolute-frame? #f) (dpm/write-particle-history? #f) (dpm/summary ()) (dpm/turb-coupling? #f) (dpm/saffman-lift? #f) (dpm/cunningham-correction 1) (dpm/brownian-motion? #f) (dpm/drag/allow-zero-drag? #f) (dpm/drag-law "spherical") (dpm/shape-factor 1) (dpm/minimum-parcel-number 0.001) (dpm/minimum-parcel-mass 1e-15) (dpm/wall-jet-interact? #f) (dpm/particle-temperature-limiter? #f) (dpm/accumulate-rates? #f) (dpm/erosion-accretion? #f) (dpm/sort-file-append? #f) (dpm/reallocate-unsteady-coupled? #t) (dpm/unsteady-stop 0) (dpm/unsteady-start 0) (dpm/unsteady-in-domain? #f) (dpm/unsteady-tracking? #t) (dpm/thermophoretic? #f) (dpm/radiation-p #f) (dpm/ensemble-average? #t) (dpm/correlation-func 1) (dpm/max-steps 500) (dpm/length-scale 0.01) (dpm/step-length-factor 5) (dpm/use-length-scale? #f) (dpm/injections-list ()) (dpm/relax 0.5) (dpm/niter 10) (dpm/is-dpm-on #f) (dpm/particle-cache-size 0) (dpm/source-cache-size 0) (dpm/random-pool-size 0) (dpm/cache-size 1) (dpm/write-particle-data-method 1) (dpm/parallel/regenerate-chunk-list? #t) (dpm/parallel/crossover-tolerance 0.02) (dpm/parallel/max-level-report 5) (dpm/parallel/print-verbosity 0) (dpm/parallel/lb-chunk-size 0) (dpm/parallel/max-recursion-depth 500) (dpm/parallel/homogeneous-net? #t) (dpm/distributed-memory-parallel? #t) (periodic/bulk-temperature 300) (periodic/niter 2) (periodic/relax 0.5) (periodic/flow-dir-z 0) (periodic/flow-dir-y 0) (periodic/flow-dir-x 1) (periodic/pressure-derivative 0) (periodic/mass-flow 0) (periodic/specify-mass-flow? #f) (dbns-expl-const-time-interval? #f) (coupled-explicit/user-specified-time-interval 0) (variable-time-step/verbosity 0) (variable-time-step/undo-time-step? #t) (convergence-criteria/available? #t) (solution/converged? #t) (blending-courant-min 1) (blending-courant-max 5) (extrapolation-blending? #t) (premixc/extrap? #t) (pdf/extrap? #t) (vof/extrap? #t) (species/extrap? #t) (turbulence/extrap? #t) (temperature/extrap? #t) (pressure/extrap? #t) (velocity-flux/extrap? #t) (extrapolate-vars? #f) (predict-next-time? #f) (variable-time-step? #f) (numb-fix-timesteps 1) (dt-max 10) (dt-min 1e-05) (dt-factor-max 5) (dt-factor-min 0.5) (time-end 1000) (time-err-toler 0.01) (mg/coarsen-interval 1) (mg/max-cluster-print 16) (mg/verbosity 1) (mg/print-level 0) (mg/sequence-level 0) (mg/grid-levels 0) (mg/smooth 0.5) (mg/relax 0.6) (mg/cfl-factor 0.9) (mg/iter/interp 0) (mg/iter/fine 1) (fmg-init/reorder? #t) (fmg-init/cfl 0.75) (fmg-init/conv-limit-on-level (0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001)) (fmg-init/max-fas-iterations-on-level (1 10 50 100 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500)) (fmg-init/enable? #f) (fmg-init/verbose? #f) (fas-c/amg-stabilization 1) (fas-c/amg-method 1) (fas-c/cycle-type 1) (fas-c/amg-beta 0.7) (fas-c/amg-alpha 0.1) (amg-c/cfl-reduction-factor 0.1) (amg-c/amg-stabilization 0) (amg-c/amg-method 0) (amg-c/cycle-type 3) (amg-c/amg-beta 0.7) (amg-c/amg-alpha 0.1) (amg-c/scheme 1) (coupled-flux-method 0) (amg/protective-iterval 10) (amg/protective? #t) (amg-coupled/max-global-cycles 20) (amg-coupled/group-size-3d 8) (amg-coupled/group-size-2d 4) (amg-coupled/max-coarse-levels 20) (amg-coupled/max-cycles 30) (amg-coupled/post-relaxations 3) (amg-coupled/pre-relaxations 0) (amg-coupled/relaxation-method "ilu") (solver/precondition/max-cycles 1) (solver/precondition/verbosity 0) (solver/precondition/scale-corrections? #f) (solver/precondition/alpha 0.3) (solver/precondition? #t) (matrix/three-files-when-ascii? #f) (matrix/write-ascii? #f) (matrix/system-name "none") (amg/max-global-cycles 20) (amg/check-global-solution 100) (amg/memory-chunk-size 10485760) (amg/memory-chunk-use 1) (amg/malloc-oversize-percent 0) (amg/ilu-method-relax 1) (amg/ilu-cpld-relax 0.9) (amg/ilu-seg-relax 1) (amg/stabilization 0) (amg/method 0) (amg/v5? #f) (amg/reuse-fine-level? #t) (amg/save-temps? #t) (amg/ignore-slow-communication? #f) (amg/ignore-slow-communication-interval 1) (amg/force-slow-communication-optimization? #f) (amg/global-solve-type 1) (amg/global-solve? #t) (amg/sweep-exchange -1) (amg/schwarz? #f) (amg/tolerance 5e-06) (amg/divergence-epsilon 1000) (amg/neighbor-optimization-level 1) (amg/scale-list ()) (amg/ignore-scale-filter? #t) (amg/scale-filter? #t) (amg/scale-corrections? #t) (amg/parallel/merge-level -1) (amg/parallel/sync-interval 1) (amg/parallel/method 0) (amg/group-within-cluster? #t) (amg/relax-sweeps 2) (amg/clustering-direction 0) (amg/coordinate-clustering? #f) (amg/freeze-coarse-levels? #f) (amg/fixed-cycles -1) (amg/max-cycles 30) (amg/max-coarse-relaxations 50) (amg/max-fine-relaxations 30) (amg/group-method 0) (amg/group-size 2) (amg/max-coarse-levels 20) (amg/post-relaxations 1) (amg/pre-relaxations 0) (amg/verbosity 0) (relaxation-method "gauss-seidel") (use-operating-density? #t) (operating-density 1.225) (operating-temperature 288.16) (body-force/relax 1) (implicit-bf? #t) (z-pull-velocity/patch 0) (y-pull-velocity/patch 0) (x-pull-velocity/patch 0) (pull/niter 1) (pull/max-iter 5) (pull/explicit-relax 1) (pull/residual-tolerance 0.0001) (pull/iter-tolerance 0.05) (pull/amg-stabilization 0) (pull/amg-method 0) (pull/cycle-type 1) (pull/amg-beta 0.7) (pull/amg-alpha 0.0001) (pull/scheme 10) (pull/solve? #f) (melt/liqf-diff-src? #f) (melt/liqf-small 0.0001) (melt/slope-limit-fac 1) (melt/slope-cutoff-fac 0.01) (melt/limit-spe-seg? #t) (melt/back-diff-beta 0.1) (melt/include-back-diffusion? #f) (melt/therm-buoyancy? #f) (melt/solut-buoyancy? #f) (melt/liqf-update-explicit? #f) (melt/tot-spe-scheil? #f) (melt/pow-index 2) (melt/tstar-method 2) (melt/solid-model-lever? #t) (melt/u-us-term? #f) (melt/mushy-zone-constant 100000) (liqf/relax 0.01) (delh/patch 0) (delh/n-sweeps 5) (delh/default 0) (delh/relax 0.9) (premixc/weighted-c? #f) (premixc/wall-damping-const 1) (premixc/explicit-relax 1) (premixc/residual-tolerance 0.0001) (premixc/iter-tolerance 0.05) (premixc/max-iter 5) (premixc/default 1) (premixc/patch 0) (premixc/amg-stabilization 0) (premixc/amg-method 0) (premixc/cycle-type 0) (premixc/amg-beta 0.7) (premixc/amg-alpha 0.1) (premixc/scheme 0) (premixc/relax 0.9) (premixed/solve? #t) (ufla-y/default 0) (ufla-y/patch 0) (ufla-y/amg-stabilization 0) (ufla-y/amg-method 0) (ufla-y/cycle-type 0) (ufla-y/amg-beta 0.7) (ufla-y/amg-alpha 0.1) (ufla-y/scheme 0) (ufla-y/relax 1) (ufla-y/solve? #t) (vd-fvar/default 0) (vd-fvar/patch 0) (vd-fvar/amg-stabilization 0) (vd-fvar/amg-method 0) (vd-fvar/cycle-type 0) (vd-fvar/amg-beta 0.7) (vd-fvar/amg-alpha 0.1) (vd-fvar/scheme 0) (vd-fvar/relax 0.9) (vc-fvar/default 0) (vc-fvar/patch 0) (vc-fvar/amg-stabilization 0) (vc-fvar/amg-method 0) (vc-fvar/cycle-type 0) (vc-fvar/amg-beta 0.7) (vc-fvar/amg-alpha 0.1) (vc-fvar/scheme 0) (vc-fvar/relax 0.9) (ic-fvar/default 0) (ic-fvar/patch 0) (ic-fvar/amg-stabilization 0) (ic-fvar/amg-method 0) (ic-fvar/cycle-type 0) (ic-fvar/amg-beta 0.7) (ic-fvar/amg-alpha 0.1) (ic-fvar/scheme 0) (ic-fvar/relax 0.9) (micro-mix/real-consts (2 1.86 0.058 0.303 17050)) (species/micro-mixing? #f) (fvar2/explicit-relax 1) (fvar2/residual-tolerance 0.0001) (fvar2/iter-tolerance 0.05) (fvar2/max-iter 5) (fvar2/default 0) (fvar2/patch 0) (fvar2/amg-stabilization 0) (fvar2/amg-method 0) (fvar2/cycle-type 0) (fvar2/amg-beta 0.7) (fvar2/amg-alpha 0.1) (fvar2/scheme 0) (fvar2/relax 0.9) (fvar/explicit-relax 1) (fvar/residual-tolerance 0.0001) (fvar/iter-tolerance 0.05) (fvar/max-iter 5) (fvar/default 0) (fvar/patch 0) (fvar/amg-stabilization 0) (fvar/amg-method 0) (fvar/cycle-type 0) (fvar/amg-beta 0.7) (fvar/amg-alpha 0.1) (fvar/scheme 0) (fvar/relax 0.9) (fmean2/explicit-relax 1) (fmean2/residual-tolerance 0.0001) (fmean2/iter-tolerance 0.05) (fmean2/max-iter 5) (fmean2/default 0) (fmean2/patch 0) (fmean2/amg-stabilization 0) (fmean2/amg-method 0) (fmean2/cycle-type 0) (fmean2/amg-beta 0.7) (fmean2/amg-alpha 0.1) (fmean2/scheme 0) (fmean2/relax 1) (fmean/explicit-relax 1) (fmean/residual-tolerance 0.0001) (fmean/iter-tolerance 0.05) (fmean/max-iter 5) (fmean/default 0) (fmean/patch 0) (fmean/amg-stabilization 0) (fmean/amg-method 0) (fmean/cycle-type 0) (fmean/amg-beta 0.7) (fmean/amg-alpha 0.1) (fmean/scheme 0) (fmean/relax 1) (prepdf/f-stretch 1.2) (prepdf/nfb2 21) (pdf/multi-tabulation? #f) (prepdf/compress-op-pres 101325) (chemkin-import-name-editable? #t) (prepdf/empirical-secondary-mw 30) (prepdf/empirical-fuel-mw 30) (prepdf/liquid-fsto 0.5) (prepdf/ufla-cfl 1) (prepdf/ufla-max-scal-diss 30) (prepdf/ufla-f-init-hi 1) (prepdf/ufla-f-init 0.1) (prepdf/ufla-h-relax 0.01) (prepdf/ufla-frac-heat-loss-pts 0.75) (prepdf/ufla-num-h-pts 10) (prepdf/ufla-y-slow "no") (prepdf/ufla-num-y-slow-pts 20) (prepdf/ufla-x0 10) (prepdf/ufla-res-time 1) (prepdf/ufla? #f) (prepdf/unsteady-flamelet? #f) (prepdf/default-thermo-db-fname "") (prepdf/mf-method 0) (prepdf/frozen-boundaries 1) (prepdf/max-species 20) (prepdf/nne 41) (prepdf/nfl 21) (prepdf/nfb 31) (prepdf/calculate? #f) (prepdf/function-type 1) (prepdf/type 3) (prepdf/stoich (1 2 -1 -2)) (prepdf/include-equil-flamelet? #t) (prepdf/flamelet-auto-refine/max-pts 64) (prepdf/flamelet-auto-refine/init-pts 8) (prepdf/flamelet-auto-refine/fmax 0.99) (prepdf/flamelet-auto-refine/fmin 0.01) (prepdf/flamelet-auto-refine/min-range 0.05) (prepdf/flamelet-auto-refine/ratio 10) (prepdf/flamelet-auto-refine/slope 0.5) (prepdf/flamelet-auto-refine/value 0.5) (prepdf/flamelet-auto-refine/verbosity? #f) (prepdf/flamelet-auto-refine? #f) (prepdf/flamelet-generate? #f) (prepdf/flamelet-import-file-type 0) (prepdf/flamelet-bool-params (#t #t)) (prepdf/flamelet-real-params (0.01 5 1 2 1e-10 1e-14 1e-05 1000)) (prepdf/flamelet-int-params (10 32)) (prepdf/expert-real-params (1 0.667 0.25 0.99)) (prepdf/equil-real-params (0.1 0.1 50000000 1000 50000000 1000 298)) (prepdf/flags (#t #f #f #f)) (prepdf/bc ((300 300 300) (#t) ((o2 0 0.233 0) (n2 0 0.767 0)))) (prepdf/equil-exclude-species ("no" "no2" "n2o" "h2o" "n" "nh" "nh2" "nh3" "nnh" "hcn" "hno" "cn" "h2cn" "hcnn" "hcno" "hocn" "hnco")) (prepdf/equil-include-species ()) (prepdf/bc-species ("ch4" "h2" "jet-a" "n2" "o2")) (pdf/interp-species ()) (pdf/interp-method 2) (pdf/bounded-interp #f) (pdf/dynamic-fvar? #t) (pdf/solve-les-variance-eqn? #f) (pdf/warnings #t) (pdf/flamexpert #f) (pdf/fvarlim 0.001) (pdf/flampar 1) (pdf/flammult 3) (pdf/flamtype 0) (pdf/sct 0.85) (pdf/compressible? #f) (pdf/function-type 1) (pdf/n-iter-flam 5) (pdf/n-iter 10) (flamelet/filename "") (pdf/filename "") (pdf/solve? #t) (cdvar 2) (cgvar 2.86) (coal/wet-combustion? #f) (coal/species-transport? #t) (coal/particle-name "coal-particle") (coal/so2? #f) (coal/1step? #t) (coal/consts (30 24000000 1 2263073 32789000 -3.935324e+08 -2.418379e+08 -2.968612e+08 0.7 1 998.2 1400)) (coal/ult-analysis (0.85 0.1 0.04 0.01 0 0 0)) (coal/prox-analysis (0.5 0.3 0.1 0.1 0)) (ama/ignore-species? #t) (ama/resonance-frequencies ()) (ama/residual-tolerance 0.001) (ama/maxitr-arpack 500) (ama/freq-shift 200) (ama/nr-ritz-values 10) (rfg/limit-length-scale #f) (rfg/limit-wave-number #t) (rfg/number-of-fourier-modes 100) (sngr/number-of-realizations 200) (sngr/number-of-fourier-modes 50) (acoustics/convection-z-cosine 0) (acoustics/convection-y-cosine 0) (acoustics/convection-x-cosine 1) (acoustics/convective-speed 0) (acoustics/convective-effects? #f) (acoustics/moving-rec-z-cosine 0) (acoustics/moving-rec-y-cosine 0) (acoustics/moving-rec-x-cosine 1) (acoustics/moving-receiver-speed 0) (acoustics/moving-receiver? #f) (acoustics/sliding-mesh-time-ref -1) (acoustics/number-of-revolutions 2) (acoustics/time-steps-per-revolution 360) (acoustics-sample-duration 0) (acoustics-no-of-samples 0) (far-field-sound-speed 340) (far-field-pressure 0) (far-field-density 1.225) (reference-acoustic-intensity 1e-12) (reference-acoustic-power 1e-12) (reference-acoustic-pressure 2e-05) (acoustics/2d-nfaces 40) (acoustics/2d-correl-length 1) (source-location/z 0) (source-location/y 0) (source-location/x 0) (receiver-location/z 0) (receiver-location/y 1) (receiver-location/x 1) (acoustics/compute-sound? #t) (acoustics/export-fluid-zones 0) (acoustics/write-source? #f) (acoustics/on? #f) (wf/zero-wfhtc-on-adiabatic-walls? #t) (wf/vwplus-max 0.6) (wf/vwplus-min -0.04) (wf/gamma-max 1) (wf/gamma-min 0.005) (wf/beta-max 0.01) (wf/beta-min -0.02) (wf/yp-prg 60) (wf/cmp-effects-excluded? #f) (wf/ht-effects-excluded? #f) (wf/heat-transfer-effects? #f) (wf/pressure-gradient-effects? #f) (uw-stress/patch 0) (vw-stress/patch 0) (uv-stress/patch 0) (ww-stress/patch 1) (vv-stress/patch 1) (uu-stress/patch 1) (drsm/coupling-alt-average? #f) (drsm/amg-stabilization 0) (drsm/amg-method 0) (drsm/cycle-type 0) (drsm/amg-beta 0.7) (drsm/amg-alpha 0.1) (drsm/max-iter 5) (drsm/residual-tolerance 0.0001) (drsm/iter-tolerance 0.05) (drsm/explicit-relax 1) (drsm/scheme 0) (drsm/relax 0.5) (drsm/solve? #t) (drsm/secondary-gradient? #f) (retheta/default 1) (retheta/patch 1) (retheta/amg-stabilization 0) (retheta/amg-method 0) (retheta/cycle-type 0) (retheta/amg-beta 0.7) (retheta/amg-alpha 0.1) (retheta/max-iter 5) (retheta/residual-tolerance 0.0001) (retheta/iter-tolerance 0.05) (retheta/explicit-relax 1) (retheta/scheme 0) (retheta/relax 0.8) (intermit/default 1) (intermit/patch 1) (intermit/amg-stabilization 0) (intermit/amg-method 0) (intermit/cycle-type 0) (intermit/amg-beta 0.7) (intermit/amg-alpha 0.1) (intermit/max-iter 5) (intermit/residual-tolerance 0.0001) (intermit/iter-tolerance 0.05) (intermit/explicit-relax 1) (intermit/scheme 0) (intermit/relax 0.8) (trans-intermit/max-limit 1) (trans-retheta/min-limit 1e-07) (trans-intermit/min-limit 1e-07) (omega/default 1) (omega/patch 1) (omega/amg-stabilization 0) (omega/amg-method 0) (omega/cycle-type 0) (omega/amg-beta 0.7) (omega/amg-alpha 0.1) (omega/scheme 0) (omega/max-iter 5) (omega/residual-tolerance 0.0001) (omega/iter-tolerance 0.05) (omega/explicit-relax 1) (omega/relax 0.8) (omega/min-limit 1e-20) (kw/solve? #t) (lowre-ke-index 0) (ke-low-re? #f) (kl/default 1e-06) (kl/patch 1e-06) (kl/amg-stabilization 0) (kl/amg-method 0) (kl/cycle-type 0) (kl/amg-beta 0.7) (kl/amg-alpha 0.1) (kl/scheme 0) (kl/max-iter 5) (kl/residual-tolerance 0.0001) (kl/iter-tolerance 0.05) (kl/explicit-relax 1) (kl/relax 0.8) (kl/min-limit 1e-14) (f/default 1) (f/patch 1) (f/amg-stabilization 0) (f/amg-method 0) (f/cycle-type 0) (f/amg-beta 0.7) (f/amg-alpha 0.1) (f/scheme 0) (f/max-iter 5) (f/residual-tolerance 0.0001) (f/iter-tolerance 0.05) (f/explicit-relax 1) (f/relax 0.8) (v2/default 0.666667) (v2/patch 1) (v2/amg-stabilization 0) (v2/amg-method 0) (v2/cycle-type 0) (v2/amg-beta 0.7) (v2/amg-alpha 0.1) (v2/max-iter 5) (v2/residual-tolerance 0.0001) (v2/iter-tolerance 0.05) (v2/explicit-relax 1) (v2/scheme 0) (v2/relax 0.8) (v2f-f/min-limit 1e-07) (v2f-v2/min-limit 1e-07) (v2f-epsilon/min-limit 1e-07) (v2f-k/min-limit 1e-07) (epsilon/default 1) (epsilon/patch 1) (epsilon/amg-stabilization 0) (epsilon/amg-method 0) (epsilon/cycle-type 0) (epsilon/amg-beta 0.7) (epsilon/amg-alpha 0.1) (epsilon/scheme 0) (epsilon/max-iter 5) (epsilon/residual-tolerance 0.0001) (epsilon/iter-tolerance 0.05) (epsilon/explicit-relax 1) (epsilon/relax 0.8) (epsilon/min-limit 1e-20) (k/default 1) (k/patch 1) (k/amg-stabilization 0) (k/amg-method 0) (k/cycle-type 0) (k/amg-beta 0.7) (k/amg-alpha 0.1) (k/scheme 0) (k/max-iter 5) (k/residual-tolerance 0.0001) (k/iter-tolerance 0.05) (k/explicit-relax 1) (k/relax 0.8) (k/min-limit 1e-14) (ke/compr-effects-for-vof? #f) (ke/buoyancy-production? #f) (ke/solve? #t) (ke/secondary-gradient? #f) (nut/default 0.1) (nut/patch 0.1) (nut/amg-stabilization 0) (nut/amg-method 0) (nut/cycle-type 0) (nut/amg-beta 0.7) (nut/amg-alpha 0.1) (nut/scheme 0) (nut/max-iter 5) (nut/residual-tolerance 0.0001) (nut/iter-tolerance 0.05) (nut/explicit-relax 1) (nut/relax 0.8) (nut/wall-value? #t) (nut/damping? #t) (nut/solve? #t) (nut/secondary-gradient? #f) (sgske/default 0.01) (sgske/patch 0.01) (turb-viscosity/max-limit 100000) (turb-viscosity/relax 1) (turb/update-derivatives-after-turb-solve? #f) (turb/hyd-dia-factor 0.07) (w-swirl/amg-stabilization 0) (w-swirl/amg-method 0) (w-swirl/cycle-type 0) (w-swirl/amg-beta 0.7) (w-swirl/amg-alpha 0.1) (w-swirl/scheme 0) (w-swirl/max-iter 5) (w-swirl/residual-tolerance 0.0001) (w-swirl/iter-tolerance 0.05) (w-swirl/explicit-relax 1) (w-swirl/relax 0.9) (w-swirl/solve? #t) (iac/hi-alpha-max 0.52) (iac/hi-kb1 1.37) (iac/hi-kb0 0.264) (iac/hi-kc1 0.129) (iac/hi-kc0 0.188) (iac/ik-alpha-max 0.75) (iac/ik-cti 0.085) (iac/ik-c 3) (iac/ik-cwe 0.002) (iac/ik-crc 0.004) (iac/default 0) (iac/patch 0) (iac/amg-stabilization 0) (iac/cycle-type 0) (iac/amg-method 0) (iac/amg-beta 0.7) (iac/amg-alpha 0.1) (iac/scheme 0) (iac/relax 0.3) (iac/solve? #t) (sg-iac? #f) (iac/domain-id 3) (pb-smm/kv 0.52359878) (pb-smm/default (0)) (pb-smm/patch (0)) (pb-smm/amg-stabilization (0)) (pb-smm/cycle-type (0)) (pb-smm/amg-method (0)) (pb-smm/amg-beta (0.7)) (pb-smm/amg-alpha (0.1)) (pb-smm/scheme (0)) (pb-smm/relax (1)) (pb-smm/solve? (#t)) (pb-smm/n-pb-smm 2) (pb-qmom/zero-moms? #f) (pb-qmom/kv 0.52359878) (pb-qmom/ka 3.1415926) (pb-qmom/default (0)) (pb-qmom/patch (0)) (pb-qmom/amg-stabilization (0)) (pb-qmom/cycle-type (0)) (pb-qmom/amg-method (0)) (pb-qmom/amg-beta (0.7)) (pb-qmom/amg-alpha (0.1)) (pb-qmom/scheme (0)) (pb-qmom/relax (1)) (pb-qmom/solve? (#t)) (pb-qmom/n-pb-qmom 6) (pb-disc/kv 0.52359878) (pb-disc/ka 3.1415926) (pb-disc/bin-size-inp-type 0) (pb-disc/bin-sizes (0.01 0.01259921)) (pb-disc/default (0)) (pb-disc/patch (0)) (pb-disc/amg-stabilization (0)) (pb-disc/cycle-type (0)) (pb-disc/amg-method (0)) (pb-disc/amg-beta (0.7)) (pb-disc/amg-alpha (0.1)) (pb-disc/scheme (0)) (pb-disc/relax (1)) (pb-disc/solve? (#t)) (pb-disc/n-pb-disc 2) (pb/sg-pb-smm? #f) (pb/sg-pb-qmom? #f) (pb/sg-pb-disc? #f) (pb/bu-pdf-check? #f) (pb/breakage-freq-rate 0) (pb/coalescence-rate 0) (pb/growth-rate 0) (pb/nucleation-rate 0) (pb/phenomenon (#f #f #f #f #f)) (pb/domain-id 3) (mp/population-b? #f) (density/scheme 0) (density/relax 1) (mp/multi-domain? #t) (granular-pressure/face-vof-min-limit 0.001) (granular-temperature/secondary-gradient? #f) (granular-temperature/syam-algebraic? #t) (granular-temperature/amg-stabilization 0) (granular-temperature/amg-method 0) (granular-temperature/cycle-type 0) (granular-temperature/amg-beta 0.7) (granular-temperature/amg-alpha 0.1) (granular-temperature/scheme 0) (granular-temperature/relax 0.2) (granular-temperature/solve? #t) (granular/pde? #f) (granular-pressure/pp? #f) (mp-rsm-type 0) (mp-sig-v 0.75) (mp-kec3 1.3) (mp-ke-type 0) (drift/relax 0.1) (drift/solve? #t) (mp/face-aux-var-interpolation 3) (mp/evap-cond/condensation-frequency 0.1) (mp/evap-cond/evaporation-frequency 0.1) (mp/evap-cond/saturation-temperature 373.15) (mp/mt/evap-cond-models 0) (mp/mass-transfer/relax 1) (mp/cvt/cfx/f-cond 0.01) (mp/cvt/cfx/f-evap 50) (mp/cvt/cfx/r-bubbles 1e-06) (mp/cvt/cfx/vof-nuc 0.0005) (mp/cvt/v5/n-bubble-density 1e+13) (mp/cvt/n-bubbles 1e+09) (mp/cvt/vapor-p 2367.8) (mp/cvt/cav-p-coeff-v62 1) (mp/cvt/cav_p_coeff 1) (mp/cvt/surface-tension 0.071699999) (mp/cvt/con-coeff-mspe 1) (mp/cvt/con-coeff 0.01) (mp/cvt/evap-coeff 0.02) (mp/cvt/ncg-molecular-weight 29) (mp/cvt/ncgs-mspe 1.5e-05) (mp/cvt/non-condensable-gas 1.5e-05) (mp/cvt/operating-temperature 300) (mp/cvt/v63-model? #f) (cvt/total-gas-vof? #t) (cvt/gui-new? #t) (cvt/model-new? #t) (cvt/rho-mixture? #f) (cvt/model-v5? #f) (cvt/relax-par 1) (cvt/relax 1) (mp/pressure-factor 1) (mp/turbulence-effect? #t) (mp/turb-diffusion? #f) (mp/mt/cavitation-models 1) (mp/mt/new-cav-models 0) (mp/mt/limit-pressure? #t) (mp/mt/udf/linearized? #f) (mp/rc-flux-solids-p? #t) (mp/htrxn/heat-transfer? #t) (mp/htrxn/mom-transfer? #t) (mp/mt/heat-transfer? #t) (mp/mt/mom-transfer? #t) (mp/mass-trans-type 0) (mp/terminal-velocity 0) (mp/cn-scheme-alpha 0.55) (mp/cn-scheme? #f) (mp/extrap-p? #f) (mp/amg-stabilization 0) (mp/amg-method 0) (mp/cycle-type 0) (mp/amg-beta 0.7) (mp/amg-alpha 0.1) (mp/scheme 4) (mp/max-iter 5) (mp/residual-tolerance 0.0001) (mp/iter-tolerance 0.05) (mp/explicit-relax 1) (mp/relax 0.80000001) (mp/courant-number 0.25) (mp/scheme-type 1) (mp/every-iter? #f) (mp/solve? #t) (mp/min-phase-number 2) (mp/n-materials 2) (mp/frozen-flux? #f) (sg-vflux? #t) (mp-kw-model-allowed? #f) (mxt-drift-dispersion? #f) (mp-drift-force-coupled? #f) (mp-drift-force-boundary-coupled? #f) (mp/coupled-drag 0) (mp-turb-coupling-on? #t) (mp-drift-source-ke? #f) (mp-drift-source-mom? #f) (mp/face-pressure? #t) (mp/ref 0) (mp/fpi 1) (mp/phases-dpm 0) (mp/phases 2) (mp/mfluid-drag-anisotropy-control? #f) (mp/mfluid-drag-time-intrp-factor 3) (mp/mfluid-drag-den-option 0) (mp/mfluid-drag-visc-option 2) (mp/mfluid-drag-length-scale 0.0001) (mp/mfluid-drag-lamt-iner 0) (mp/mfluid-drag-lamn-iner 0) (mp/mfluid-drag-lamt 1000) (mp/mfluid-drag-lamn 1000000) (mp/mfluid-aniso-drag-method 0) (mp/mfluid-aniso-drag-source? #t) (mp/mfluid-mass-imbalance? #t) (mp/immiscible-fluid-model? #f) (mp/mfluid-first-time-step? #t) (mp/mfluid-startup-niter 0) (mp/mfluid-face-vof-corr? #t) (mp/mfluid-scheme-type 0) (vof/open-channel-wavy-init? #f) (vof/open-channel-flat-init? #f) (vof/open-channel-wave-bc? #f) (oc-po-list ()) (oc-mfi-list ()) (oc-pi-list ()) (vof/ntime-froud-update 1) (vof/niter-froud-update 50) (vof/open-channel? #f) (vof/node-alloc-oc? #f) (vof/smoothing-factor 1) (vof/smoothing-num 1) (vof/node-based-gradients? #t) (vof/node-based-deriv? #f) (vof/compressive/beta-max 2) (vof/non-conformal/modified-grad? #f) (vof/geo-recon/generic-grad-method? #f) (vof/node-based-unlimited-grad? #t) (piso/pboundary/update-flux? #f) (face-pressure/scheme 0) (piso/scheme 0) (pressure/node-based-pp-grad 1) (pressure/skew-relax 1) (piso/coupling? #t) (piso/neighbor-iter 1) (frstep/skew-iter 0) (simplec/skew-iter 0) (piso/skew-iter 1) (flow/scheme 22) (udm/n-node-udm 0) (udm/n-udm 0) (udm/patch ()) (uds/skew-grid? #f) (uds/variables ()) (uds/diffusion-long? #f) (uds/inlet-diffusion? #t) (uds/default (0)) (uds/patch (0)) (uds/amg-stabilization (0)) (uds/amg-method (0)) (uds/cycle-type (0)) (uds/amg-beta (0.7)) (uds/amg-alpha (0.1)) (uds/scheme (0)) (uds/relax (1)) (uds/solve? (#t)) (uds/n-uds 0) (dqmom-iem/explicit-relax 1) (dqmom-iem/residual-tolerance 0.0001) (dqmom-iem/iter-tolerance 0.05) (dqmom-iem/prob-min 1e-06) (dqmom-iem/energy-nmodes? #f) (dqmom-iem/corr-limit 1) (dqmom-iem/correct? #t) (dqmom-iem/nmodes 2) (dqmom-iem/relax 1) (dqmom-iem/scheme 0) (dqmom-modes/patch (0)) (dqmom-modes/default (0)) (dqmom-iem/solve? #t) (dqmom-iem/amg-stabilization 0) (dqmom-iem/amg-method 0) (dqmom-iem/cycle-type 0) (dqmom-iem/amg-beta 0.7) (dqmom-iem/amg-alpha 0.1) (dqmom-iem/max-iter 5) (pdf-transport/bc-species ("h2o" "o2" "n2")) (pdf-transport/bc ((300 300 300 300) (#t) ((o2 0 0.233 0 0) (n2 0 0.767 0 0)))) (pdf-transport-euler? #f) (pdf-transport-lag? #t) (species/agglom-chemistry/close-species ("no" "co")) (species/agglom-chemistry/nhash 1000) (species/agglom-chemistry/nspe 3) (species/agglom-chemistry/tol 0.05) (species/agglom-chemistry/verbosity? #f) (species/agglom-chemistry? #f) (hetero-stiff-chem? #f) (stiff-chem-seg-dt 0.1) (stiff-chem-seg? #f) (stiff-solver/temp-time-redux 0.25) (stiff-solver/chem-time-ratio 0.9) (stiff-solver? #f) (species/minimum-concentration 1e-06) (species/verbosity 1) (species/cvd-stiff-verbosity 1) (species/cvd-stiff-sweep 3) (species/cvd-stiff-loop-max 60) (species/surf-react-apfac 0) (species/dpm-sensible-heat-source 0) (species/dpm-heat-source 0) (species/dpm-mass-source 0) (species/heat-of-reaction 0) (species/save-gradients? #f) (species/kinetics/trans-file? #f) (species/kinetics/cell-monitor-list ()) (species/kinetics/arbit-value 0) (species/kinetics/arbit-string "") (species/kinetics/aux-file "") (species/kinetics/cons-noneg-mf 1) (species/kinetics/small-plus 1e-12) (species/kinetics/min-surf-mf -0.0001) (species/kinetics/max-surf-mf 1.1) (species/kinetics/min-gas-mf -1e-12) (species/kinetics/max-gas-mf 1.01) (species/kinetics/steady-max-attempts 1) (species/kinetics/init-time-step 0) (species/kinetics/min-time-step 1e-10) (species/kinetics/max-time-step 0.01) (species/kinetics/steady-time-step 0.0001) (species/kinetics/steady-time-marching 1) (species/kinetics/surf-rel-tol 0.0001) (species/kinetics/surf-abs-tol 1e-08) (species/kinetics/gas-rel-tol 0.0001) (species/kinetics/gas-abs-tol 1e-08) (species/kinetics/print-level 0) (species/carm 0) (species/chem-step-ensemble? #f) (species/kinetics? #f) (species/chemical-equilibrium? #f) (chemkin-names ("chemkin-import" "" "" "" "")) (species/isat-file "Z:\for jeremy\bubble-col\solution files\becker") (species/isat-dtref 0.001) (species/isat-verbosity 0) (species/isat-stomby 100) (species/isat-errtol 0.001) (species/isat-ntree 1) (species/isat? #t) (species/ode-rtol 1e-09) (species/ode-atol 1e-08) (species/edc-apmax-fac 0) (species/edc-reactor-type 1) (species/edc-niter 1) (species/edc-c2 0.40825) (species/edc-c1 2.1377) (species/edc? #f) (species/thermal-diffusion? #f) (species/multicomponent-diffusion? #f) (species/inlet-diffusion? #f) (species/surface-heat-react? #t) (species/sct 0.7) (reactions/relax 1) (reactions/solve? #t) (species/reaction-model "finite-rate") (species/secondary-gradient? #t) (species/default (0)) (species/patch (0)) (species/amg-stabilization (0)) (species/amg-method (0)) (species/cycle-type (0)) (species/amg-beta (0.7)) (species/amg-alpha (0.1)) (species/max-iter (5)) (species/residual-tolerance (0.0001)) (species/iter-tolerance (0.05)) (species/explicit-relax (1)) (species/scheme (0)) (species/relax (1)) (species/solve? (#t)) (enthalpy/default 0) (enthalpy/patch 0) (enthalpy/amg-stabilization 0) (enthalpy/amg-method 0) (enthalpy/cycle-type 0) (enthalpy/amg-beta 0.7) (enthalpy/amg-alpha 0.1) (enthalpy/max-iter 5) (enthalpy/residual-tolerance 0.0001) (enthalpy/iter-tolerance 0.05) (enthalpy/explicit-relax 1) (enthalpy/scheme 0) (enthalpy/relax 1) (enthalpy/solve? #t) (solar/enable-trans-udf? #f) (solar/conservative-form? #t) (solar/verbosity 0) (solar/shadow-tol 1e-06) (solar/filename "") (solar/binary? #t) (solar/frequency-data 0) (sol/apply-do-bc? #f) (sol/load-on-fluid? #f) (sol/iterations 10) (sol/max_level 7) (sol/initial-time? #f) (sol/method-trans 0) (sol/nrel? #f) (sol/cx 0.2) (sol/sin_altitude 0.2) (sol/rho_g 0.2) (sol/sunshine_frac 1) (sol/scat_frac 1) (sol/diffuse-entry-angle? #f) (sol/diff_angle 1.0471974) (sol/method-diff_int ()) (sol/method-intensity ()) (sol/diff_int 200) (sol/intensity 1423) (sol/dir-from-calc #t) (sol/sun_z 1) (sol/sun_y 0) (sol/sun_x 0) (sol/split 0.5) (solpos/longitude -1.4770719) (solpos/latitude 0.23823741) (solpos/timezone -5) (solpos/minute 0) (solpos/hour 13) (solpos/month 6) (solpos/day 21) (sol/east_z 0) (sol/east_y 0) (sol/east_x 1) (sol/north_z 0) (sol/north_y 1) (sol/north_x 0) (solar/solve? #f) (disco/solar? #f) (wsggm/emiss-table/method 0) (disco/second-order-boundary? #t) (disco/second-order-interior? #t) (disco/beta-max 2) (disco/coupled-verbosity 0) (hybrid/do-rosseland? #f) (disco/amg-tolerance 1e-06) (disco/n-gray-gas ()) (disco/bands ()) (disco/inner-iterations 2) (disco/reduced-storage? #f) (disco/pixel/nphi 1) (disco/pixel/ntheta 1) (disco/interior-pixels? #f) (disco/nphi 2) (disco/ntheta 2) (disco/type "finite-volume") (disco/participating-medium? #t) (disco/blending-factor 1) (disco/scheme 0) (disco/amg-min-cycles 2) (disco/amg-stabilization 0) (disco/amg-method 0) (disco/cycle-type 0) (disco/amg-beta 0.7) (disco/amg-alpha 0.1) (disco/relax-face-correction 1) (disco/fast-second-order? #f) (disco/relax-source 0.5) (disco/relax-explicit 1) (disco/relax 1) (disco/solve-method 0) (disco/partially-specular-method 2) (disco/partially-specular? #t) (disco/partial-solve? #f) (rad/enable-multi-fluid? #f) (rad/enable-soot-effect-non-wsggm? #f) (disco/full-solve? #t) (disco/coupled-fine-iter 5) (disco/coupled? #f) (disco/solve? #t) (g/default 0) (g/patch 0) (p1/amg-stabilization 0) (p1/amg-method 0) (p1/cycle-type 0) (p1/amg-beta 0.7) (p1/amg-alpha 0.1) (p1/relax 1) (p1/solve? #t) (rosseland/method 1) (mpcci-update-interval 1) (s2s/cluster-check-quality? #f) (s2s/cluster-quality-parameter 2.5) (s2s/verbosity 0) (s2s/cluster-iter 6) (s2s/cluster-algo 0) (s2s/max-distance 0) (s2s/auto-distance 0) (s2s/openmp-raytracing? #f) (s2s/max-fpsc 10) (s2s/auto-fpsc? #f) (s2s/partial-enclosure-emissivity 1) (s2s/partial-enclosure-t 300) (s2s/fast-parallel? #t) (s2s/face-clustering? #t) (s2s/viewfactor-crf? #t) (s2s/viewfactor-compression? #t) (s2s/partial-enclosure? #f) (s2s/vf-loadbalance -1) (s2s/vf-use-bsp 0) (s2s/vf-sampling-method 0) (s2s/vf-partial-asink 1) (s2s/vf-partial-enclosure 0) (s2s/vf-simple-enclosure 0) (s2s/vf-hemi-separation 5) (s2s/vf-hemi-subdivide 10) (s2s/vf-hemi-resolution 10) (s2s/vf-smoothing-tol 1e-06) (s2s/vf-smoothing-iter 100) (s2s/vf-smoothing 0) (s2s/vf-method 1) (s2s/vf-type 1) (s2s/cluster-method 0) (s2s/glob-file "") (s2s/split-angle 20) (s2s/flow-face-glob-size 1) (s2s/glob-size 1) (s2s/tol 0.001) (s2s/n-sweeps 5) (s2s/n-iter 10) (vfr/partial-enclosure-emissivity 1) (vfr/partial-enclosure-t 300) (vfr/partial-enclosure? #f) (dtrm/solve? #t) (dtrm/rays-file "") (dtrm/face-glob-size 1) (dtrm/glob-size 1) (dtrm/tol 0.001) (dtrm/n-sweeps 1) (dtrm/n-iter 10) (rad/n-time-update 1) (enable-beta-rad-features? #f) (temperature/2nd-source-bc-relax 0.5) (temperature/explicit-relax? #f) (temperature/shell-secondary-gradient? #t) (temperature/secondary-gradient? #t) (temperature/skew-grid? #f) (temperature/max-limit 5000) (temperature/min-limit 1) (temperature/default 300) (temperature/patch 0) (temperature/amg-stabilization 0) (temperature/amg-method 0) (temperature/cycle-type 0) (temperature/amg-beta 0.7) (temperature/amg-alpha 0.1) (temperature/max-iter 5) (temperature/residual-tolerance 0.0001) (temperature/iter-tolerance 0.05) (temperature/explicit-relax 1) (temperature/scheme 0) (temperature/relax 1) (temperature/solve? #t) (energy/inlet-diffusion? #t) (energy/user-definable-cp? #f) (energy/kinetic? #f) (energy/pressure-work? #f) (energy/conservative-form? #t) (energy/species-diffusion? #t) (low-pressure-slip? #f) (viscous-energy-dissipation? #f) (continuity/surf-spe-source? #f) (time_factor_site 1) (porous/new-inf 1) (porous/physical-velocity-form? #f) (sigma-sbc 5.669e-08) (pressure/conv-relax? #f) (pressure/unsteady-rc 1) (pressure/mp-dissipation? #t) (pressure/rc-dissipation-new? #t) (pressure/dissipation? #f) (pressure/enthalpy-correct? #f) (pressure/frozen-flux? #f) (pressure/unsteady? #t) (pressure/isotrop-rc? #f) (pressure/ho-rc-disable? #f) (pressure/ho-rc 2) (pressure/presto-low-order? #f) (pressure/extrapolate-inlet? #t) (pressure/extrapolate-all? #f) (pressure/mp-4th-order-dissipation 1) (pressure/ap-weighted-face-pressure 0) (pressure/cpl-omega-vof-drift 1) (pressure/cpl-omega-p-drift 1) (pressure/cpl-omega-u-drift 1) (pressure/cpl-omega-vofvof 1) (pressure/cpl-omega-vofv 1) (pressure/cpl-omega-vofp 1) (pressure/cpl-omega-vvof 1) (pressure/cpl-omega-pvof 1) (pressure/cpl-omega-flux 1) (pressure/cpl-courant-number 200) (pressure/cpl-omega-vv 1) (pressure/cpl-omega-pp 1) (pressure/cpl-omega-pv 1) (pressure/cpl-omega-vp 1) (pressure/omega-p-conv-mp 1) (pressure/cpl-expl-omega-p 1) (pressure/cpl-expl-omega-v 1) (pressure/coupled-vof-delta-form? #t) (pressure-coupled-mp/update-pgrad? #t) (pressure-coupled-mp/couple-mass-transfer? #t) (pressure-coupled/implicit-dissipation-bndr? #t) (pressure-coupled/implicit-dissipation? #t) (pressure-coupled/update-pgrad? #t) (pressure-coupled/update-deriv? #t) (pressure-coupled/pressure/explicit-relax 0.75) (pressure-coupled/mom/explicit-relax 0.75) (pressure-coupled/courant-number 200) (pressure-coupled/restart? #f) (pressure-coupled/omega 1) (pressure-coupled/amg-stabilization 0) (pressure-coupled/amg-method 0) (pressure-coupled/cycle-type 3) (pressure-coupled/amg-beta 0.7) (pressure-coupled/amg-alpha 0.1) (pressure/coupled-nonlinear? #f) (pressure/coupled-pressure-delta-form? #t) (pressure/coupled-velocity-delta-form? #t) (pressure/coupled-dissipation 0) (pressure/coupled-available? #f) (pressure/max-iter 10) (pressure/residual-tolerance 0.0001) (pressure/iter-tolerance 0.25) (pressure/max-limit 5e+10) (pressure/min-limit 1) (pressure/default 0) (pressure/patch 0) (pressure/amg-stabilization 0) (pressure/amg-method 0) (pressure/cycle-type 1) (pressure/amg-beta 0.7) (pressure/amg-alpha 0.1) (reversed-flow/pressure-bc? #f) (cavitation/pressure-bc? #t) (cavitation/enhancement? #t) (compress-p/relax? #f) (pressure-correction/relax-enhance 0.1) (pressure-correction/relax-drdp 1) (pressure-correction/relax 0.7) (pressure/explicit-relax 1) (pressure/relax 0.5) (pressure/scheme 13) (2nd-order-time/blend-factor 1.5) (2nd-order-time/bounded? #t) (z-velocity/default 0) (y-velocity/default 0) (x-velocity/default 0) (z-velocity/patch 0) (y-velocity/patch 0) (x-velocity/patch 0) (z-mom/amg-stabilization 0) (z-mom/amg-method 0) (z-mom/cycle-type 0) (z-mom/amg-beta 0.7) (z-mom/amg-alpha 0.1) (y-mom/amg-stabilization 0) (y-mom/amg-method 0) (y-mom/cycle-type 0) (y-mom/amg-beta 0.7) (y-mom/amg-alpha 0.1) (x-mom/amg-stabilization 0) (x-mom/amg-method 0) (x-mom/cycle-type 0) (x-mom/amg-beta 0.7) (x-mom/amg-alpha 0.1) (mom/update-derivatives-after-flow-solve? #f) (mom/bcd/beta-mom 0.2) (mom/extrapolate-outflow? #f) (mom/rot-cyclic-explicit? #t) (mom/from-flux? #t) (mom/nita/update-derivatives? #t) (mom/nita-flux-update? #t) (mom/update-flux-subiter? #f) (mom/max-iter 5) (mom/residual-tolerance 0.0001) (mom/iter-tolerance 0.05) (mom/scheme 4) (mom/explicit-relax 1) (mom/relax 0.2) (explicit-relaxation? #f) (implicit-relaxation? #t) (noniterative-max-iter 1) (noniterative-time-advance? #f) (old-unsteady-flux? #t) (roe-dissipation? #f) (solve-absolute-velocities? #t) (correct-velocity? #t) (flow/solve? #t) (residuals/convergence-criterion-type 0) (residuals/scale? #t) (residuals/normalize? #f) (residuals/debug? #f) (residuals/n-display 1000) (residuals/n-save 1000) (residuals/window 0) (residuals/plot? #t) (residuals/print? #t) (residuals/n-maximize-norms 5) (residuals/settings ((continuity #t 0 #t 0.001 0.00010538413 0.050000001) (x-velocity #t 0 #t 0.001 0.0016173605 0.050000001) (y-velocity #t 0 #t 0.001 0.0029582931 0.050000001) (vf-air #t 0 #t 9.9999997e-06 0.027364334 0.050000001))) (vof/remove-small-bubbles? #f) (vof/redistribute-lost-volume? #t) (vof/use-polyhedra? #t) (vof/improved-wall-treatment? #t) (vof/courant-calculation-method 1) (vof/courant-based-time-step? #f) (vof/global-courant-number-limit 250) (vof/global-courant-number 2) (vof/update-method 4) (patch/m1-m2? #t) (patch/vof? #f) (patch-relative? #t) (init-relative? #t) (profile/morphing? #f) (profile/update-interval 1) (udrg/libname "") (real-gas/mixturefilename "") (real-gas/datafiles-list ()) (real-gas/datanames-list ()) (real-gas/dataname "") (real-gas/datadir "") (real-gas/libdir "") (vapor-phase? #t) (user-real-gas-multi-component? #f) (user-real-gas? #f) (real-gas-multi-component? #f) (real-gas? #f) (udf/matrix-solver-fcn "none") (udf/pb-coalescence-rate-name "Luo Model") (udf/pb-break-up-rate-pdf-name "parabolic") (udf/pb-break-up-rate-freq-name "Luo Model") (udf/pb-break-up-rate-name "Luo Model") (udf/pb-growth-rate-name "constant") (udf/pb-nucleation-rate-name "constant") (udf/deltat-fcn "none") (udf/emission-factor-fcn "none") (udf/solar-trans "none") (udf/dom/specular-reflectivity "none") (udf/dom/diffuse-reflectivity "none") (udf/dom/bc-adjust "none") (udf/dom/source-fcn "none") (udf/viscous/trans-retheta-t-fcn "none") (udf/viscous/trans-retheta-c-fcn "none") (udf/viscous/trans-flength-fcn "none") (udf/viscous/wall-law-fcn "none") (udf/viscous/schmidt-fcn "none") (udf/viscous/prt-t-wall-fcn "none") (udf/viscous/prt-t-fcn "none") (udf/viscous/prt-o-fcn "none") (udf/viscous/prt-d-fcn "none") (udf/viscous/prt-k-fcn "none") (udf/viscous/mu-t-fcn "none") (udf/cphi-fcn "none") (udf/chem-step-fcn "none") (udf/cav-rate-fcn "none") (udf/sox-rate-fcn "none") (udf/nox-rate-fcn "none") (udf/execute-at-exit-fcns ()) (udf/write-data-fcns ()) (udf/read-data-fcns ()) (udf/write-case-fcns ()) (udf/read-case-fcns ()) (udf/drift-diam-fcn "constant") (udf/dpm/n-reals 0) (udf/dpm/timestep-fcn "none") (udf/dpm/spray-collide-fcn "none") (udf/dpm/scalar-fcn "none") (udf/dpm/erosion-fcn "none") (udf/dpm/output-fcn "none") (udf/dpm/source-fcn "none") (udf/dpm/body-force-fcn "none") (udf/dpm/drag-fcn "none") (udf/ignite-src-fcn "none") (udf/ecfm-src-fcn "none") (udf/heat-flux-fcn "none") (udf/trb-prmx-src-fcn "none") (udf/pr-rate-fcn "none") (udf/sr-rate-fcn "none") (udf/vr-rate-fcn "none") (udf/net-reaction-rate-fcn "none") (udf/execute-at-end-fcns ()) (udf/adjust-fcns ()) (udf/init-fcns ()) (udf/libname ()) (udf/listing? #f) (udf/stack-size 10000) (udf/cpp-command "cpp") (udf/use-contrib-cpp? #f) (udf/filename "") (user-fan/program-name "fan-model") (user-fan/update-interval 10) (user-fan/profile-points 20) (user-fan/fan-zones ()) (title "") (mesh/slit/merge-junction-nodes? #t) (mesh/slit/old? #f) (mesh/check/verbosity 1) (mesh/check/use-stored-metrics? #t) (mesh/grid-check-performed? #t) (mesh/use-tweaked-centroids? #f) (polyhedra/verbosity 0) (polyhedra/skewness/max-cell-skew 0.9) (polyhedra/smoothing/squish-threshold 0.8) (polyhedra/smoothing/relax-bad 0.05) (polyhedra/smoothing/no-iter-bad 200) (polyhedra/smoothing/relax-all 0.1) (polyhedra/smoothing/no-iter-all 4) (polyhedra/dual/detect-gaps? #t) (polyhedra/dual/back-to-back-wall-angle 3) (polyhedra/dual/skew-threshold -1) (polyhedra/dual/always-check-lower-feature-angle? #t) (polyhedra/dual/feature-angle-table ((1000 3) (25 5) (15 10) (10 15) (8 20) (-1 30))) (polyhedra/modified-dual-on-faces? #f) (polyhedra/modified-dual-alpha 1) (polyhedra/modified-dual-threshold -1) (polyhedra/preserve-boundary-faces? #f) (polyhedra/conversion-feature-angle -1) (dynamesh/ic3m/verbosity 0) (dynamesh/ic3m/length-scaling 0.001) (dynamesh/ic3m/last-event 0) (dynamesh/ic3m/count-events -1) (dynamesh/ic3m/event-list ()) (dynamesh/ic3m/max-number-of-nodes 0) (dynamesh/motion-history/basename "Z:\for jeremy\bubble-col\solution files\becker") (dynamesh/motion-history? #f) (dynamesh/in-cyn/output/ty (1 0 0)) (dynamesh/in-cyn/output/tx (0 0 1)) (dynamesh/in-cyn/output/sa (0 1 0)) (dynamesh/in-cyn/output/udf "") (dynamesh/in-cyn/output/method 1) (dynamesh/in-cyn/output/sc (0 0 0)) (dynamesh/in-cyn/output/zid ()) (dynamesh/in-cyn/output/freq 0) (dynamesh/in-cyn/output/fname "") (dynamesh/in-cyn/output? #f) (dynamesh/in-cyn/delta-angle 0.5) (dynamesh/in-cyn/event-list ()) (dynamesh/in-cyn/piston-data (0 0)) (dynamesh/in-cyn/minimum-stroke 0) (dynamesh/in-cyn/minimum-lift 0) (dynamesh/in-cyn/crank-period 1e+10) (dynamesh/in-cyn/crank-end-angle -1) (dynamesh/in-cyn/crank-start-angle 0) (dynamesh/in-cyn/crank-rpm 0.16666667) (dynamesh/in-cyn/crank-angle 0) (dynamesh/models/ic3m? #f) (dynamesh/models/sdof? #f) (dynamesh/models/in-cylinder? #f) (dynamesh/method/remesh? #f) (dynamesh/method/layering? #f) (dynamesh/method/spring? #t) (dynamesh/set-dynamic-zones-state? #f) (dynamesh/recreate-shells? #t) (dynamesh/motion/mark-adjacent-zones #t) (dynamesh/update-in-timestep/residual-criterion 1e-05) (dynamesh/update-in-timestep/relax 1) (dynamesh/update-in-timestep/interval -1) (dynamesh/steady/optional-remesh-after-moving? #f) (dynamesh/steady/n-iter 0) (dynamesh/steady/pseudo-time-step 1) (dynamesh/improved-interpolation? #f) (dynamesh/scale-conservation? #t) (dynamesh/local-conserve-bits 0) (dynamesh/global-conserve-bits 65535) (dynamesh/correct-dvolume-dt? #f) (dynamesh/verbosity 0) (dynamesh/dynamic-zones ()) (dynamesh/sdof/minimum-cutoff-moments 1e-20) (dynamesh/sdof/verbosity 0) (dynamesh/adapt/readapt-after-remeshing? #t) (dynamesh/adapt/move-adapted-cells? #t) (dynamesh/remesh/repartition-interface-threshold 10) (dynamesh/remesh/repartition-load-threshold 20) (dynamesh/remesh/repartition-interval 20) (dynamesh/remesh/repartition-auto? #t) (dynamesh/remesh/repartition-enable? #t) (dynamesh/remesh/verbosity 0) (dynamesh/remesh/thread/size-control 2) (dynamesh/remesh/remesh-size-interval 5) (dynamesh/remesh/sizing-function? #f) (dynamesh/remesh/surfer-improve-method 3) (dynamesh/remesh/init-add-nodes? #t) (dynamesh/remesh/remesh-sweep 5) (dynamesh/remesh/perturb-cavity-nodes? #f) (dynamesh/remesh/face-v6.1? #f) (dynamesh/remesh/swap-iteration 4) (dynamesh/remesh/swap-angle 100) (dynamesh/remesh/height-relax-factor 0.4) (dynamesh/remesh/must-improve-skewness? #t) (dynamesh/remesh/max-thread-skew 0.98) (dynamesh/remesh/max-face-skew 0.7) (dynamesh/remesh/max-length-scale 1000) (dynamesh/remesh/min-length-scale 0) (dynamesh/remesh/methods (#f #f #f #f #f)) (dynamesh/boundary/project-deforming-nodes-twice? #f) (dynamesh/boundary/project-deforming-nodes? #t) (dynamesh/boundary/node-relax 1) (dynamesh/spring/face-node-skewness 0.6) (dynamesh/spring/all-element-type? #f) (dynamesh/spring/boundary-stiffness 1) (dynamesh/grid/epsilon 0.001) (dynamesh/grid/itermax 20) (dynamesh/grid/relax 1) (dynamesh/layering/check-insertion-location? #t) (dynamesh/layering/constant-height #t) (dynamesh/layering/omega-col 0.2) (dynamesh/layering/omega 0.4) (dynamesh/node-grids ()) (sizing-function/post-processing-thread -1) (sizing-function/zonal-edge-size-limits ((6 (3.4028235e+38 . 0)))) (sizing-function/boundary-threshold 0.3) (sizing-function/variation-rate 0) (sizing-function/smoothing? #t) (centrifugal/density-ratio 0) (centrifugal/exit-radius 0) (centrifugal-init? #f) (max-iterations-per-step 20) (number-of-time-steps 5000) (number-of-iterations 0) (gen-nrbc/sig2 5) (gen-nrbc/sig 0.15) (gen-nrbc/on? #f) (bc/convection-z-velocity 0) (bc/convection-y-velocity 0) (bc/convection-x-velocity 1) (bc/convective-outflow? #f) (wd-phi/amg-stabilization 0) (wd-phi/amg-method 0) (wd-phi/cycle-type 0) (wd-phi/amg-beta 0.7) (wd-phi/amg-alpha 0.1) (wd-phi/relative-tolerance 0.0001) (wd-phi/max-iter 20) (wd-phi/explicit-relax 1) (wd-phi/relax 1) (allow-stretched-interfaces? #f) (si/enforce-cont-after-bc? #f) (nonconformal/plbc-number-of-modes 5) (nonconformal/plbc? #f) (nonconformal/interface-zone-types ()) (nonconformal/coupled-fluid-zones ()) (nonconformal/new-proximity-algo? #f) (nonconformal/normal-tolerance-factor 0.1) (nonconformal/smallest-area-tolerance-factor 0.005) (nonconformal/smallest-polygon-size 1e-10) (nonconformal/enhanced-intersection-lookup? #t) (nonconformal/ignore-proximity-test? #f) (nonconformal/verbosity 0) (nonconformal/correct-virtpoly-face-handedness? #f) (nonconformal/virtual-polygons? #f) (nonconformal/mixed-faces 0) (nonconformal/sm-node-match-tol 0.05) (nonconformal/sm-bound-match-tol 0.05) (nonconformal/sm-match-tol 0.05) (nonconformal/allow-interface-at-periodic-boundary 1) (nonconformal/force-bound-tol 0.4) (nonconformal/force-shared-nodes-to-boundary 1) (nonconformal/check-bound-match 1) (nonconformal/common-edges 0) (nonconformal/cell-faces 0) (nonconformal/feature-angle 100) (nonconformal/proj-move-node-tol 0.1) (nonconformal/boundary-move-node-tol 0.1) (nonconformal/move-node-tol 0.1) (nonconformal/max-surface-distance-tol 0.3) (sliding-interfaces ()) (user-defined-db-name "") (user-defined-database? #f) (materials ((water-liquid fluid (chemical-formula . h2o) (density (constant . 998.20001)) (specific-heat (constant . 4182)) (latent-heat (constant . 2263073)) (vaporization-temperature (constant . 284)) (boiling-point (constant . 373)) (volatile-fraction (constant . 1)) (binary-diffusivity (constant . 3.05e-05)) (thermal-conductivity (constant . 0.6)) (viscosity (constant . 0.001003)) (dpm-surften (constant . 0.0719404) (polynomial piecewise-polynomial (50 641 0.0649503 0.000246819 -9.28884e-07 6.01831e-10))) (vapor-pressure (constant . 2658) (polynomial piecewise-linear (284 . 1329) (295 . 2658) (307 . 5316) (315 . 7974) (325 . 13289) (340 . 26579) (356 . 53158) (373 . 101000) (393 . 202000) (425 . 505000))) (molecular-weight (constant . 18.0152)) (species-phase (constant . 1)) (formation-enthalpy (constant . -2.8584122e+08)) (reference-temperature (constant . 298)) (lennard-jones-length (constant . 1)) (lennard-jones-energy (constant . 100)) (formation-entropy (constant . 69902.211)) (critical-pressure (constant . 22064000)) (critical-temperature (constant . 647.14)) (acentric-factor (constant . 0.344)) (critical-volume (constant . 0.003106)) (therm-exp-coeff (constant . 0)) (speed-of-sound (none . #f))) (air fluid (chemical-formula . #f) (density (constant . 1.225)) (specific-heat (constant . 1006.43) (polynomial piecewise-polynomial (100 1000 1161.4821 -2.3688189 0.014855111 -5.0349093e-05 9.9285696e-08 -1.1110966e-10 6.540196e-14 -1.5735877e-17) (1000 3000 -7069.8141 33.706051 -0.058127595 5.4216153e-05 -2.9366789e-08 9.2375332e-12 -1.5655534e-15 1.1123349e-19))) (thermal-conductivity (constant . 0.0242)) (viscosity (constant . 1.7894e-05) (sutherland 1.716e-05 273.11 110.56) (power-law 1.716e-05 273.11 0.666)) (molecular-weight (constant . 28.966)) (lennard-jones-length (constant . 3.711)) (lennard-jones-energy (constant . 78.6)) (thermal-accom-coefficient (constant . 0.9137)) (velocity-accom-coefficient (constant . 0.9137)) (formation-entropy (constant . 194336)) (reference-temperature (constant . 298.15)) (critical-pressure (constant . 3758000)) (critical-temperature (constant . 132.3)) (acentric-factor (constant . 0.033)) (critical-volume (constant . 0.002857)) (therm-exp-coeff (constant . 0)) (speed-of-sound (none . #f))) (aluminum solid (chemical-formula . al) (density (constant . 2719)) (specific-heat (constant . 871)) (thermal-conductivity (constant . 202.4)) (formation-entropy (constant . 164448.08)) (electric-conductivity (constant . 35410000)) (magnetic-permeability (constant . 1.257e-06))))) (proximity/threads ()) (proximity/faces-per-twig 50) (partition/metis/minimize-communication? #t) (partition/ubvec 1.03) (partition/encapsulate-hex-core? #t) (partition/balance/adaption/interval 10) (partition/balance/adaption/auto? #t) (partition/balance/adaption/threshold 5) (partition/balance/multi-physics/interval 10) (partition/balance/multi-physics/auto? #t) (partition/balance/multi-physics/threshold 10) (partition/balance/multi-physics/use? #f) (partition/weight/isat/iter-average 100) (partition/weight/isat/value 1) (partition/weight/isat/user-defined? #f) (partition/weight/isat/use? #f) (partition/weight/face-area/value 0) (partition/weight/face-area/user-defined? #f) (partition/weight/face-area/use? #f) (partition/weight/vof/value 1) (partition/weight/vof/user-defined? #f) (partition/weight/vof/use? #f) (partition/weight/solid/value 0.5) (partition/weight/solid/user-defined? #f) (partition/weight/solid/use? #f) (partition/weight/dpm/use-face-weight? #f) (partition/weight/dpm/value 1) (partition/weight/dpm/user-defined? #f) (partition/weight/dpm/use? #f) (partition/weight/nface/value 0) (partition/weight/nface/user-defined? #f) (partition/weight/nface/use? #f) (partition/multi-constraint-partition 0) (partition/minimum-elements-for-parallel-sort 0) (partition/auto/fast? #t) (partition/auto/force? #f) (partition/auto/load-vector ()) (partition/auto/across-zones? #t) (partition/auto/pre-test? #f) (partition/counter-last-partition 0) (partition/total-interface-percentage 0) (partition/auto/use-default? #t) (partition/auto/method "Metis") (partition/zonal-methods ()) (partition/stored/method "Metis") (partition/active/method "Metis") (partition/reorder? #f) (partition/metis-agglomerate? #t) (partition/encapsulate-node-pairs? #t) (partition/load-vector ()) (partition/across-zones? #t) (partition/interface-owner -1) (partition/encapsulate-si? #f) (partition/encapsulate-owner -1) (partition/encapsulate-shell-level -1) (partition/encapsulate-si-level -1) (partition/recompute-si-flux? #f) (partition/require-encapsulation? #f) (partition/restrict-children? #t) (partition/metis-edge-max 10) (partition/verbosity 1) (partition/origin/z 0) (partition/origin/y 0) (partition/origin/x 0) (partition/architecture-aware? #f) (partition/pre-test? #f) (partition/smooth-iter 3) (partition/smooth? #t) (partition/merge-iter 3) (partition/merge? #f) (partition/expert? #f) (partition/cell-function "") (parallel/support-pdat-nfs? #f) (parallel/panfs-auto-parameter 0.5) (parallel/migrate-metrics? #t) (parallel/comm-type-io 1) (parallel/comm-type-amg -1) (parallel/comm-type -1) (parallel/dump-face-send-buffer-size 8) (parallel/encapsulate-shell? #f) (parallel/new-err-handle #t) (parallel/remote-shell-cmd "default") (parallel/remote-shell 0) (parallel/remote-arch "auto") (parallel/migrate-si-after-adaption? #t) (parallel/claim-host-not-filled? #f) (parallel/read-case-data-shipping/use-packing? #f) (parallel/read-case-data-shipping? #f) (parallel/data-shipping? #t) (parallel/print-mpi-io? #f) (parallel/data-read-write-in-chunks? #t) (parallel/fast-read-section? #t) (parallel/fast-read-case? #t) (parallel/fast-io? #f) (parallel/lam-shutdown-before-exit? #f) (parallel/init-io-buffers-before-read? #t) (parallel/case-read-use-pack? #t) (parallel/debug-case? #f) (parallel/auto-spawn? #t) (parallel/rc-failed? #f) (parallel/balance-threshold 10) (parallel/balance-adaption? #t) (parallel/niter-balance-auto 20) (parallel/niter-balance 0) (parallel/balance-on-kill #t) (parallel/enable-balance #f) (parallel/trace-level 0) (parallel/read-mesh? #t) (parallel/gprof? #f) (parallel/max-spawn 8) (parallel/time-out 50) (parallel/nprocs_string "") (parallel/ruser "") (parallel/rhost "") (parallel/path "") (parallel/function "") (parallel/sync-interval 10) (parallel/print-verbosity 1) (parallel/max-messages 16) (parallel/mask ()) (parallel/hostsfile "") (parallel/machines ()) (case/save-id? #f) (checkpoint/time-step? #f) (checkpoint/exit? #f) (checkpoint/write-case? #t) (checkpoint/restart-filename "") (checkpoint/filename "") (case-config ((rp-seg? . #t) (rp-acoustics? . #f) (rp-atm? . #f) (rp-axi? . #f) (rp-des? . #f) (rp-dpm-cache? . #f) (rp-unsteady? . #t) (rp-dual-time? . 1) (rp-amg? . #f) (rf-energy? . #f) (rp-hvac? . #f) (rp-inviscid? . #f) (rp-ke? . #f) (rp-kklw? . #f) (rp-kw? . #f) (rp-lam? . #t) (rp-les? . #f) (rp-lsf? . #f) (rp-net? . #f) (rp-react? . #f) (rp-sa? . #f) (rp-sas? . #f) (rp-sge? . #f) (rp-spe? . #f) (rp-spe-part? . #f) (rp-spe-site? . #f) (rp-spe-surf? . #f) (rp-trans-sst? . #f) (rp-trb-scl? . #f) (rp-turb? . #f) (rp-absorbing-media? . #f) (rp-visc? . #t) (rp-v2f? . #f) (sg-cylindrical? . #f) (sg-disco? . #f) (sg-bee-gees? . #f) (sg-crev? . #f) (sg-dpm? . #f) (sg-dqmom-iem? . #f) (sg-dtrm? . #f) (sg-dynmesh? . #f) (sg-ecfm? . #f) (sg-hg? . #f) (sg-inert? . #f) (sg-ignite? . #f) (sg-network? . #f) (sg-node-udm? . #f) (sg-noniterative? . #f) (sg-nox? . #f) (sg-melt? . #f) (sg-micro-mix? . #f) (sg-mphase? . drift-flux) (sg-p1? . #f) (sg-par-premix? . #f) (sg-pb? . #f) (sg-pdf? . #f) (sg-pdf-transport? . #f) (sg-premixed? . #f) (sg-pull? . #f) (sg-rosseland? . #f) (sg-rsm? . #f) (sg-s2s? . #f) (sg-soot? . #f) (sg-sox? . #f) (sg-spark? . #f) (sg-swirl? . #f) (sg-udm? . #f) (sg-uds? . #f) (sg-vfr? . #f) (sg-solar? . #f) (sg-wetsteam? . #f) (sg-moistair? . #f) (rp-3d? . #f) (rp-double? . #f) (rp-graphics? . #t) (rp-host? . #f) (rp-thread? . #f) (dpm-cache? . #t))) (sampling-chunk 1) (iteration-chunk 1) (reference-thread 6) (reference-gamma 1.4) (reference-viscosity 1.7894e-05) (reference-velocity 1) (reference-temperature 288.16) (use-inlet-density -1) (use-inlet-density? #f) (reference-pressure 0) (reference-length 1) (reference-enthalpy 0) (reference-density 1.225) (reference-depth 1) (reference-area 1) (reorder/across-zone? #f) (reorder/boundary-thread-ids ()) (reorder-expert? #f) (reorder/method "reverse-cuthill-mckee") (reorder/reordered 0) (pressure-reference/z 0) (pressure-reference/y 1.5) (pressure-reference/x 0) (gravity/z 0) (gravity/y -9.8100004) (gravity/x 0) (gravity? #t) (operating-pressure 101325) (initial-operating-pressure 101325) (floating-operating-pressure? #f) (positivity-limit 0.2) (boundary-values? #t) (separate-thread-id-list ()) (deativated-original-state ()) (deactivated-dynamic-zones ()) (append-rp-list ()) (scanned-thread-list ()) (geom-thread-id/name ()) (reading-surface-mesh? #f) (grid/msn? #t) (grid-appending? #f) (grid/partitions? #f) (grid/level 0) (streamf/nit 8) (allow-expert-dis-schemes? #f) (flowf-expert? #f) (node/level 0) (adapt/reconstruct-geometry? #f) (adapt/yp/min 50) (adapt/yp/max 500) (adapt/yp/type 0) (refine/cell-distance 1) (refine/split-ratio 0.5) (refine/maxv 1) (adapt/max-passes 10) (adapt/region/shape "hexahedron") (adapt/region/inside? #t) (adapt/region/radius 0) (adapt/region/zmax 0) (adapt/region/zmin 0) (adapt/region/ymax 0) (adapt/region/ymin 0) (adapt/region/xmax 0) (adapt/region/xmin 0) (adapt/boundary/volume-decay 1) (adapt/boundary/volume-target 1) (adapt/boundary/distance-threshold 0) (adapt/boundary/number-of-cells 1) (adapt/coarsen/volume-threshold 0) (adapt/coarsen/all-cells-marked? #t) (adapt/coarsen/nodes/refn/remove-periodic? #t) (adapt/coarsen/nodes/refn/remove-boundary? #t) (adapt/coarsen/nodes/refn/remove-internal? #t) (adapt/coarsen/nodes/orig/remove-periodic? #f) (adapt/coarsen/nodes/orig/remove-boundary? #f) (adapt/coarsen/nodes/orig/remove-internal? #f) (adapt/coarsen/marker/color "cyan") (adapt/coarsen/marker/size 0.1) (adapt/coarsen/marker/symbol "@") (adapt/coarsen/bit 1) (adapt/coarsen? #f) (adapt/refine/marker/color "red") (adapt/refine/marker/size 0.1) (adapt/refine/marker/symbol "@") (adapt/refine/bit 0) (adapt/refine? #t) (adapt/hanging-node? #t) (adapt/dynamic/print-memory-usage? #f) (adapt/dynamic/security-layer-thickness 1) (adapt/dynamic/interval 20) (adapt/dynamic/list-functions ("Pressure..." "Static Pressure")) (adapt/dynamic/function "pressure") (adapt/dynamic? #f) (adapt/gradient/volume-weight 1) (adapt/gradient/normalize-per-zone? #f) (adapt/gradient/normalization 0) (adapt/gradient/method "curvature") (adapt/max-refine-level 2) (adapt/maxc 0) (adapt/minc 0) (adapt/minv 0) (adapt/threshold/volume-change 2.5) (adapt/threshold/coarsen 0) (adapt/threshold/refine 1e+10) (adapt/propogate-edge-split? #t) (adapt/threads ()) (interp-method-list ()) (interp-method 0) (distance/crit 1.5) (prmx-adiabatic? #t) (prmxmu 0.26) (prmxa 0.52) (prmxcd 0.37) (hvac-species/sct 1) (hvac-keprt 0.9) (hvac-const 0.039) (drsm-kw-zeta-star 0.5) (drsm-kw-r-w 6.2) (drsm-kw-r-k 12) (drsm-kw-r-beta 12) (drsm-kw-alpha-0 0.105) (drsm-c2-omega 0.52) (drsm-c1-omega 1.8) (drsm-c5-ssg 0.4) (drsm-c4-ssg 1.25) (drsm-c3s-ssg 1.3) (drsm-c3-ssg 0.8) (drsm-c2-ssg 4.2) (drsm-c1s-ssg 1.8) (drsm-c1-ssg 3.4) (drsm-c2-wall 0.3) (drsm-c1-wall 0.5) (drsm-c2 0.6) (drsm-c1 1.8) (drsm-omega-wilcox? #t) (drsm-omega-based? #f) (drsm-ssg-ps? #f) (drsm-linear-ps? #t) (drsm-wall-factor-clip? #t) (drsm-ps-wall? #t) (drsm-lowre-epsilon? #f) (drsm-tke-solve? #t) (trans-sst-kato-launder? #t) (trans-sst-smoothing? #f) (trans-sst-s1 2) (trans-sst-cthetat 0.03) (trans-sst-ce2 50) (trans-sst-ce1 1) (trans-sst-ca2 0.06) (trans-sst-ca1 2) (retheta-inlet-duds? #f) (retheta-sig 2) (intermit-sig 1) (sst-pk-factor 10) (sst-v61? #f) (sst-kappa 0.41) (sst-beta-i2 0.0828) (sst-beta-i1 0.075) (sst-a1 0.31) (sst-sig-w2 1.168) (sst-sig-w1 2) (sst-sig-k2 1) (sst-sig-k1 1.176) (kw-sig-w 2) (kw-sig-k 2) (kw-beta-i 0.072) (kw-mt0 0.25) (kw-zeta-star 1.5) (kw-r-w 2.95) (kw-r-k 6) (kw-r-beta 8) (kw-beta-star-inf 0.09) (kw-alpha-0 0.11111) (kw-alpha-inf 0.52) (kw-alpha-star-inf 1) (kw-new-wall-omega? #f) (kw-vorticity-pk? #f) (kw-set-wall-w? #f) (kw-shear-mod? #t) (kw-compress-mod? #t) (kw-low-re-mod? #f) (kw-sst-strain? #f) (kw-easm-beta 0.83) (kw-easm-gama 0.53) (kw-easm-sig-k 1) (kw-easm-cmu 0.0895) (kw-easm-on? #f) (kw-sst-on? #f) (kw-std-on? #t) (des-omega/min-limit 1e-12) (des-epsilon/min-limit 1e-07) (des-k/min-limit 1e-07) (des-limiter-option 3) (des-rke-limiter-option 2) (des-sa-limiter-option 2) (des-sst-on? #f) (des-rke-on? #f) (des-sa-on? #t) (p-func-jaya-on? #t) (trans-kw-ctaul 4360) (trans-kw-calpha-teta 0.035) (trans-kw-cw3 0.3) (trans-kw-cw1 0.44) (trans-kw-cint 0.75) (trans-kw-anu 6.75) (trans-kw-sig-w 1.17) (trans-kw-sig-k 1) (trans-kw-crnat-new 0.02) (trans-kw-ctscrit 1000) (trans-kw-cnatcrit-new 1250) (trans-kw-ats 200) (trans-kw-anat-new 200) (trans-kw-cr-new 0.12) (trans-kw-clam 2.495) (v2f-alpha 0.6) (v2f-cl 0.23) (v2f-ceta 70) (v2f-c2 0.3) (v2f-c1 1.4) (v2f-enn 6) (v2f-kec2 1.9) (v2f-kec1 1.4) (v2f-kecmu 0.22) (turb-pk-compress? #f) (turb-non-newton-lb? #f) (turb-non-newton? #f) (wall-distance/verbosity 0) (wall-distance/quad-correction-aspect-ratio 500) (wall-distance/quad-correction? #f) (wall-distance-alternative? #f) (wall-distance/method 0) (ke-yplus-udf 11.224708) (ke-elog-udf 9.793) (ke-rotation-model? #f) (ke-time-scale-clip-const? 0.6) (ke-time-scale-clip? #f) (kato-launder-on? #f) (rng-swirl-const 0.07) (rng-swirl-on? #f) (rng-kec2 1.68) (rng-kec1 1.42) (rng-kecmu 0.0845) (rng-visc-mod-on? #f) (rng-ke-on? #f) (ke-time-marching? #t) (ke-uncoupled? #t) (ke-prod-mod #f) (ke-source-mod #t) (realizable-epsilon? #f) (ke-easm-on? #f) (ke-realizability-on? #f) (ke-compress-const 1) (rsm-ssg-kec2 1.83) (rke-cmu-rotation? #f) (rke-kesige 1.2) (rke-kec2 1.9) (wallprt 0.85) (keprt 0.85) (kesige 1.3) (kesigk 1) (ke-easm-c4 0.4) (ke-easm-c3 1.25) (ke-easm-c2 0.36) (ke-easm-c1-1 1.8) (ke-easm-c1-0 3.4) (ke-easm-cmu 0.0885) (kec2-nonlin 1.83) (kec2 1.92) (kec1 1.44) (kecmu 0.09) (ke-two-layer-c-l-mu 0.33) (ke-two-layer-a-mu-norris 50.5) (ke-two-layer-a-mu 70) (ke-two-layer-option 1) (ke-two-layer-delta 40) (ke-two-layer-rey-c 200) (ke-udf-wall? #f) (ke-scalable-wall? #f) (ke-enh-wall? #f) (ke-non-eqm #f) (ke-std-wall? #t) (sa-des-inlet-turb-i 0) (sa-des-all-lengths-modified? #t) (sa-des-maxedge? #t) (rke-des-cdes 0.61) (sst-des-cdes 0.61) (sa-des-cdes 0.65) (nut-imp-diff? #t) (nut-prod-const 2) (nut-prod-modify? #f) (nut-kappa 0.41) (nut-cw3 2) (nut-cw2 0.3) (nut-prt 0.667) (nut-cv1 7.1) (nut-cb2 0.622) (nut-cb1 0.1355) (vm-eddy-vel 1) (vm-eddy-size-const 0.5) (vm-grid-scale 1.5) (vm-ls-constant? #f) (vm-n-travel 50) (delta-time-sampled-species ()) (delta-time-sampled-premix 0) (delta-time-sampled-non-premix 0) (delta-time-sampled-wall 0) (delta-time-sampled-heat-flux 0) (delta-time-sampled-shear 0) (delta-time-sampled 0) (number-of-samples 0) (save-time-statistics-premix? #t) (save-time-statistics-non-premix? #t) (save-time-statistics-species ()) (save-time-statistics-wall? #t) (save-time-statistics-heat-flux? #t) (save-time-statistics-shear? #t) (save-time-statistics? #f) (les-inlet-random? #f) (les-utau-newton-iter? #t) (les-enh-wall-fn? #t) (les-ww-wall? #f) (les-mixed-sgs-on? #f) (les-dynamic-const-max 0.23) (les-dynamic-const-clip? #t) (les-dynamic-species-on? #f) (les-dynamic-energy-on? #f) (les-dynamic-smag-on? #f) (les-dynamic-sgske-on? #f) (les-sgske-on? #f) (les-wale-sgs-on? #f) (les-rng-sgs-on? #f) (les-fvar-const 0.5) (les-sgske-ceps 1) (les-sgske-prt 1) (les-sgske-visc-const 0.05) (les-wale-const 0.325) (les-rng-const 0.157) (les-smag-const 0.1) (les-2d? #f) (les-cpld-diss-coeff 0.2) (test-low-diffusion-inviscid-flux? #f) (omega/nk 1) (omega/nj 0) (omega/ni 0) (omega 0) (residual-smoothing/iterations 0) (residual-smoothing/factor 0.5) (precon/n-update-uref2 10) (mg/relax-spe 1) (solid/relax 1) (recon/bc-minmax-id 1) (cpld/sol-steering/cfl-cutoff-limit-activate? #t) (cpld/sol-steering/resd-drop 0.0005) (cpld/sol-steering/verbosity? #f) (cpld/sol-steering/cfl-outerloop-redux 0.75) (first-to-second-order-blending-pbns 1) (cpld/sol-steering/max-fas-iterations-on-level (1 100 200 400 500 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000)) (cpld/sol-steering/default? #f) (cpld/sol-steering/use-fmg? #t) (cpld/sol-steering/cfl-max 200) (cpld/sol-steering/cfl-start 5) (cpld/sol-steering/upd-iters 20) (cpld/sol-steering/pre-iters 100) (cpld/sol-steering/init-phase 100) (cpld/sol-steering/flow-type "subsonic") (cpld/sol-steering? #f) (first-to-second-order-blending 1) (cpld/solution-bounding/verbose? #f) (cpld/solution-bounding/eps 1e-06) (cpld/solution-bounding/min-urf 0.01) (cpld/solution-bounding? #t) (cpld/consistent-viscous-linearization? #t) (cpld/rdq 0.75) (enable-beta-dbns-features? #f) (cpld/smooth-cfl-recovery-sol-steering? #f) (cpld/smooth-cfl-recovery-local-cfl-saved 1) (cpld/smooth-cfl-recovery-prev-cfl-redux 1) (cpld/smooth-cfl-recovery-min-cfl-redux 1) (cpld/smooth-cfl-recovery-iter-counter-saved 0) (cpld/smooth-cfl-recovery-iter-counter 0) (cpld/smooth-cfl-recovery-verbose 0) (cpld/smooth-cfl-recovery-max-percentage-increase 25) (cpld/smooth-cfl-recovery-niter 10) (cpld/enable-smooth-cfl-recovery? #t) (cpld/aratio-cutoff 20) (cpld/enable-newtimestep? #f) (cpld/inlet-diffusion? #t) (recon/lim/dx-to-face? #t) (recon/lim/sigp 0.05) (recon/lim/allneighbors? #f) (recon/lim/method 6) (recon/lim/newimpl? #f) (cpld-lsq-ncycles 5) (recon/smallest-aspect-ratio 1e-05) (recon/cycle-vel-limit? #f) (recon/lim/list-sort? #t) (recon/lim/type 0) (recon/enthalpy? #t) (recon/density? #t) (recon/cpld-use-lsq-deriv? #t) (recon/node-grad-diffusion? #f) (recon/node-boundary-lsq? #t) (recon/node-scale-id 2) (recon/node-cell-weight? #t) (clipped-node/inverse-dist? #f) (recon/node-weight-clip? #t) (recon/node-all-lsq? #f) (recon/node-gradient-lsq? #f) (recon/density-node-lsq? #t) (recon/pressure-node-based? #f) (recon/pressure-node-lsq? #f) (recon/cell-lsq/sv_d? #f) (recon/cell-lsq/wf 2) (recon/shell-lsq/ggcb-weight? #t) (recon/cell-lsq/cortype 1) (recon/cell-lsq? #f) (recon/node-lsq? #f) (recon/length-based? #f) (recon/limit/epsilon 0.01) (recon/limit? #t) (recon/k-exact? #f) (recon/freeze? #f) (recon/off? #f) (export/fvuns-fast-algo? #t) (export/automatic/particle ()) (export/automatic ()) (export/icecore-hdf5/chunk-size 16328) (export/icecore-hdf5/chunked-data? #t) (export/icecore-hdf5/ziplevel -1) (export/fieldview/filetype 3) (export/abaqus/structural? #t) (export/write-thermal-load? #f) (export/vki-verbose? #f) (export/write-structural-load? #t) (export/ensight/functions ()) (export/ensight/filename "") (export/ensight/phase 1) (export/ensight/transient/separate-file? #t) (export/ensight/last-iter-no 0) (export/ensight/transient? #f) (export/ensight/fl-start-num 1) (export/ensight/frequency 1) (export/ensight/particle-time-values ()) (export/ensight/time-values ()) (export/ensight/interior-zones ()) (export/show-element-sets? #f) (export/cell-centered? #f) (export/functions ()) (export/filetype "CGNS") (export/fem-map? #f) (export/write-surfaces-only? #t) (export/merge-shadow-nodes? #t) (export/fsi-length-factor 1) (export/fsi-temperature-units 1) (export/fsi-htc-type 1) (export/fsi-elemset-namelist ()) (export/fsi-nodeset-namelist ()) (export/fsi-elemset-idlist ()) (export/fsi-nodeset-idlist ()) (export/binary? #t) (import/show-fsi-feature? #f) (import/fsi-read-mesh? #t) (import/fsi-volume-mesh? #f) (import/process-node-sets? #f) (import/cfx-merge-tolerance 1e-08) (visual-kinematics? #t) (export/time-average-htc? #f) (export/marked-cells? #f) (export/cdat/case-file/write-option 1) (export/cdat/case-file-name "") (cell-function-list ()) (cfd-post-data ()) (fem-map/thread-id-list ()) (ms-levels/viscous-ta (#t #t #t #t)) (ms-levels/dissipation-ta (#t #t #t #t)) (ms-coefficients-ta (0.25 0.333333 0.5 1)) (ms-levels/viscous (#t #t #t #t #t)) (ms-levels/dissipation (#t #t #t #t #t)) (ms-coefficients (0.2075 0.5915 1)) (inviscid-flux-new? #f) (dual-time/use-transient-scaling? #t) (dual-time/use-prec? #t) (residual-verbosity 0) (flow-warnings? #t) (limiter-warnings? #t) (precondition? #t) (time-step 200) (physical-time-step 0.0099999998) (courant-number/implicit 5) (courant-number/explicit 1) (matching-tolerance 0.05) (max-flow-time -1) (flow-time 2) (smooth-mesh/boundary-nodes? #f) (smooth-mesh/method "skewness") (smooth-mesh/only-marked-cells? #f) (smooth-mesh/skew-max 0.9) (smooth-mesh/relax 0.1) (smooth-mesh/niter 4) (draw/domain/list ()))) (0 "Cortex variables:") (38 (( (gui-processing? #t) (surfaces/groups ((wall-2 (3)) (interior-3 (2)) (pressure-outlet-4 (1)) (wall-1 (4)) (velocity-inlet-5 (0)))) (cx-virtual-id-list (4196 4197 4198 4199 4200)) (cx-surface-id-map ((3 4200) (1 4199) (4 4198) (2 4197) (0 4196))) (cx-surface-type ((0 0) (2 0) (4 0) (1 0) (3 0))) (cx-surface-def-list ((4200 () (zone-surface 4200 2) #f) (4199 () (zone-surface 4199 4) #f) (4198 () (zone-surface 4198 1) #f) (4197 () (zone-surface 4197 3) #f) (4196 () (zone-surface 4196 5) #f))) (cx-surface-list #((0 ((zid 5) (type zone-surf) (name velocity-inlet-5) (status susp) (facet-info (0 0 0 0)))) (1 ((zid 4) (type zone-surf) (name pressure-outlet-4) (status susp) (facet-info (0 0 0 0)))) (2 ((zid 3) (type zone-surf) (name interior-3) (status susp) (facet-info (0 0 0 0)))) (3 ((zid 2) (type zone-surf) (name wall-2) (status susp) (facet-info (0 0 0 0)))) (4 ((zid 1) (type zone-surf) (name wall-1) (status susp) (facet-info (0 0 0 0)))) #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f)) (view-list ((right ((4.2028471 0.75 0) (0.25 0.75 0) (0 1 0) 1.5811388 1.5811388 "Perspective") #(1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1)) (left ((-3.7028471 0.75 0) (0.25 0.75 0) (0 1 0) 1.5811388 1.5811388 "Perspective") #(1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1)) (top ((0.25 4.7028471 0) (0.25 0.75 0) (0 0 1) 1.5811388 1.5811388 "Perspective") #(1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1)) (bottom ((0.25 -3.2028471 0) (0.25 0.75 0) (0 0 -1) 1.5811388 1.5811388 "Perspective") #(1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1)) (isometric ((-1.726428 3.5451038 1.976428) (0.25 0.75 0) (0.5000056 0.7071116 -0.5000056) 1.5811388 1.5811388 "Perspective") #(1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1)) (front ((0.25 0.75 3.9375) (0.25 0.75 0) (0 1 0) 1.575 1.575 "perspective") #(1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1)) (back ((0.25 0.75 -3.9375) (0.25 0.75 0) (0 1 0) 1.575 1.575 "perspective") #(1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1)))) (vector/domain "mixture") (contour/filled? #t) (node-values? #f) (render/domain "mixture") (render/var-name "Velocity Magnitude") (render/grid/surfaces (3 4 0 1 2)) (render/auto-range? #f) (render/range? #f) (cx-case-version (3 9 2))))) (0 "Domain Variables:") (64 ( (3 (iac/default 0.0001) (iac/patch 0) (pb/bu-pdf-qi1 1) (pb/bu-pdf-ri0 1.5) (pb/bu-pdf-qi0 0.5) (pb/bu-pdf-pi0 2) (pb/bu-pdf-wi0 0.5) (pb/fn-bu-daughters 2) (pb/n-gen-bu 1) (pb-smm/min-dia 0.0001) (pb-smm/max-dia 1) (pb-smm/kv 0.52359878) (pb-smm/default (0 0)) (pb-smm/patch (0 0)) (pb-smm/amg-stabilization (0 0)) (pb-smm/cycle-type (0 0)) (pb-smm/amg-method (0 0)) (pb-smm/amg-beta (0.7 0.7)) (pb-smm/amg-alpha (0.1 0.1)) (pb-smm/scheme (0 0)) (pb-smm/relax (1 1)) (pb-smm/solve? (#t #t)) (pb-smm/n-pb-smm 2) (pb-qmom/min-dia 0.0001) (pb-qmom/max-dia 1) (pb-qmom/kv 0.52359878) (pb-qmom/default (0 0 0 0 0 0)) (pb-qmom/patch (0 0 0 0 0 0)) (pb-qmom/amg-stabilization (0 0 0 0 0 0)) (pb-qmom/cycle-type (0 0 0 0 0 0)) (pb-qmom/amg-method (0 0 0 0 0 0)) (pb-qmom/amg-beta (0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7)) (pb-qmom/amg-alpha (0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1)) (pb-qmom/scheme (0 0 0 0 0 0)) (pb-qmom/relax (1 1 1 1 1 1)) (pb-qmom/solve? (#t #t #t #t #t #t)) (pb-qmom/n-pb-qmom 6) (pb-disc/break-up-method-rk #f) (pb-disc/hamaker-constant 2.3e-20) (pb-disc/ghadiri-breakage-factor 8e+08) (pb-disc/sigma 0.07) (pb-disc/kv 0.52359878) (pb-disc/ka 3.1415926) (pb-disc/bin-size-inp-type 0) (pb-disc/bin-sizes (0.01 0.01259921)) (pb-disc/default (0 0)) (pb-disc/patch (0 0)) (pb-disc/amg-stabilization (0 0)) (pb-disc/cycle-type (0 0)) (pb-disc/amg-method (0 0)) (pb-disc/amg-beta (0.7 0.7)) (pb-disc/amg-alpha (0.1 0.1)) (pb-disc/scheme (0 0)) (pb-disc/relax (1 1)) (pb-disc/solve? (#t #t)) (pb-disc/n-pb-disc 2) (pb-disc/normalize-scalars? #t) (mp-porous/interface-wall? #f) (pb/break-up-pdf-parabolic-cfactor 1) (pb/simpisat-rel-tol 0.01) (pb/use-simpisat? #f) (pb/solve-interval 1) (pb/critical-weber-number 0.1) (pb/breakage-fac-luo-lehr 1) (pb/epsi-fac 1) (pb/sg-pb-smm? #f) (pb/sg-pb-qmom? #f) (pb/sg-pb-disc? #f) (pb/phenomenon (#f #f #f #f)) (e-wall-restitution 0.3) (udf/viscous/mu-t-fcn "none") (gt/zero-div-dissipation? #f) (gt/zero-xgeneration? #f) (gt/zero-drag? #f) (vof/diffusion-on? #f) (gt/zero-diffusion? #f) (species/multicomponent-diffusion? #f) (uds/default (0)) (uds/patch (0)) (uds/amg-stabilization (0)) (uds/amg-method (0)) (uds/cycle-type (0)) (uds/amg-beta (0.7)) (uds/amg-alpha (0.1)) (uds/scheme (0)) (uds/explicit-relax (1)) (uds/relax (1)) (uds/solve? (#t)) (species/default (0)) (species/patch (0)) (species/amg-stabilization (0)) (species/amg-method (0)) (species/cycle-type (0)) (species/amg-beta (0.7)) (species/amg-alpha (0.1)) (species/max-iter (5)) (species/residual-tolerance (0.0001)) (species/iter-tolerance (0.05)) (species/explicit-relax (1)) (species/scheme (0)) (species/relax (1)) (species/solve? (#t)) (granular-temperature/default 0.0001) (granular-temperature/patch 0) (uw-stress/patch 0) (vw-stress/patch 0) (uv-stress/patch 0) (ww-stress/patch 1) (vv-stress/patch 1) (uu-stress/patch 1) (omega/default 1) (omega/patch 1) (epsilon/default 1) (epsilon/patch 1) (sgske/default 0.01) (sgske/patch 0.01) (k/default 1) (k/patch 1) (mp/default 0) (mp/patch 0) (temperature/default 300) (temperature/patch 0) (z-velocity/default 0) (y-velocity/default 0) (x-velocity/default 0) (z-velocity/patch 0) (y-velocity/patch 0) (x-velocity/patch 0) ) (2 (iac/default 0.0001) (iac/patch 0) (pb/bu-pdf-qi1 1) (pb/bu-pdf-ri0 1.5) (pb/bu-pdf-qi0 0.5) (pb/bu-pdf-pi0 2) (pb/bu-pdf-wi0 0.5) (pb/fn-bu-daughters 2) (pb/n-gen-bu 1) (pb-smm/min-dia 0.0001) (pb-smm/max-dia 1) (pb-smm/kv 0.52359878) (pb-smm/default (0 0)) (pb-smm/patch (0 0)) (pb-smm/amg-stabilization (0 0)) (pb-smm/cycle-type (0 0)) (pb-smm/amg-method (0 0)) (pb-smm/amg-beta (0.7 0.7)) (pb-smm/amg-alpha (0.1 0.1)) (pb-smm/scheme (0 0)) (pb-smm/relax (1 1)) (pb-smm/solve? (#t #t)) (pb-smm/n-pb-smm 2) (pb-qmom/min-dia 0.0001) (pb-qmom/max-dia 1) (pb-qmom/kv 0.52359878) (pb-qmom/default (0 0 0 0 0 0)) (pb-qmom/patch (0 0 0 0 0 0)) (pb-qmom/amg-stabilization (0 0 0 0 0 0)) (pb-qmom/cycle-type (0 0 0 0 0 0)) (pb-qmom/amg-method (0 0 0 0 0 0)) (pb-qmom/amg-beta (0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7)) (pb-qmom/amg-alpha (0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1)) (pb-qmom/scheme (0 0 0 0 0 0)) (pb-qmom/relax (1 1 1 1 1 1)) (pb-qmom/solve? (#t #t #t #t #t #t)) (pb-qmom/n-pb-qmom 6) (pb-disc/break-up-method-rk #f) (pb-disc/hamaker-constant 2.3e-20) (pb-disc/ghadiri-breakage-factor 8e+08) (pb-disc/sigma 0.07) (pb-disc/kv 0.52359878) (pb-disc/ka 3.1415926) (pb-disc/bin-size-inp-type 0) (pb-disc/bin-sizes (0.01 0.01259921)) (pb-disc/default (0 0)) (pb-disc/patch (0 0)) (pb-disc/amg-stabilization (0 0)) (pb-disc/cycle-type (0 0)) (pb-disc/amg-method (0 0)) (pb-disc/amg-beta (0.7 0.7)) (pb-disc/amg-alpha (0.1 0.1)) (pb-disc/scheme (0 0)) (pb-disc/relax (1 1)) (pb-disc/solve? (#t #t)) (pb-disc/n-pb-disc 2) (pb-disc/normalize-scalars? #t) (mp-porous/interface-wall? #f) (pb/break-up-pdf-parabolic-cfactor 1) (pb/simpisat-rel-tol 0.01) (pb/use-simpisat? #f) (pb/solve-interval 1) (pb/critical-weber-number 0.1) (pb/breakage-fac-luo-lehr 1) (pb/epsi-fac 1) (pb/sg-pb-smm? #f) (pb/sg-pb-qmom? #f) (pb/sg-pb-disc? #f) (pb/phenomenon (#f #f #f #f)) (e-wall-restitution 0.3) (udf/viscous/mu-t-fcn "none") (gt/zero-div-dissipation? #f) (gt/zero-xgeneration? #f) (gt/zero-drag? #f) (vof/diffusion-on? #f) (gt/zero-diffusion? #f) (species/multicomponent-diffusion? #f) (uds/default (0)) (uds/patch (0)) (uds/amg-stabilization (0)) (uds/amg-method (0)) (uds/cycle-type (0)) (uds/amg-beta (0.7)) (uds/amg-alpha (0.1)) (uds/scheme (0)) (uds/explicit-relax (1)) (uds/relax (1)) (uds/solve? (#t)) (species/default (0)) (species/patch (0)) (species/amg-stabilization (0)) (species/amg-method (0)) (species/cycle-type (0)) (species/amg-beta (0.7)) (species/amg-alpha (0.1)) (species/max-iter (5)) (species/residual-tolerance (0.0001)) (species/iter-tolerance (0.05)) (species/explicit-relax (1)) (species/scheme (0)) (species/relax (1)) (species/solve? (#t)) (granular-temperature/default 0.0001) (granular-temperature/patch 0) (uw-stress/patch 0) (vw-stress/patch 0) (uv-stress/patch 0) (ww-stress/patch 1) (vv-stress/patch 1) (uu-stress/patch 1) (omega/default 1) (omega/patch 1) (epsilon/default 1) (epsilon/patch 1) (sgske/default 0.01) (sgske/patch 0.01) (k/default 1) (k/patch 1) (mp/default 0) (mp/patch 0) (temperature/default 300) (temperature/patch 0) (z-velocity/default 0) (y-velocity/default 0) (x-velocity/default 0) (z-velocity/patch 0) (y-velocity/patch 0) (x-velocity/patch 0) ))) (0 "Grid:") (12 (0 1 5a3 0)) (13 (0 1 b92 0)) (10 (0 1 5f0 0 2)) (2012 (6 1 5a3 1 3) End of Binary Section 2012) (2013 (5 1 3 a 2) () End of Binary Section 2013) (2013 (4 4 28 5 2) (        !!""##$$%%&&''(())*) End of Binary Section 2013) (2013 (3 29 b22 2 2) (+,-./0123456789: ;< => ?@ AB CD EFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcd ef! gh"!ij#"kl$#mn%$,o&,p'&.,'.q('0.(0r)(20)2s*)42*4t+*64+6u,+86,8v-,:8-:w.-<:. <x/.></ >y0/@>0 @z10B@1 B{21DB2 D|32FD3F}43HF4H~54JH5J65LJ6L76NL7N87PN8P98RP9R:9TR:T;:VT;V<;XV<X=<YX=Y>=ZY>Z?>[Z?[@?\[@\A@^\A^BA`^B`CBb`CbDCdbDdEDfdE fFEhfF!hGFjhG"jHGljH#lIHnlI$nJInJ%pK&pLKqpL'qMLrqM(rNMsrN)sONtsO*tPOutP+uQPvuQ,vRQwvR-wSRxwS.xTSyxT/yUTzyU0zVU{zV1{WV|{W2|XW}|X3}YX~}Y4~ZY~Z5[Z[6\[\7]\]8^]^9_^_:`_`;a`a<bab=cbc>dcd?ede@fefAgfgBhghCihiDjijEkjkFlklGmlmHnmnIonoJpKqpqLrqrMsrsNtstOutuPvuvQwvwRxwxSyxyTzyzU{z{V|{|W}|}X~}~Y~Z[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-.  /   0   1   2   3 456789:;<=>?@ABCDE  F! !G"!"H#"#I$#$J%$%K&%&L'&'M('(N)()O*)*P+*+QR+.S.T/./U0/0V101W212X 32 3Y  43 4Z  54 5[  65 6\  76 7] 878^989_:9:`;:;a<;<b=<=c>=>d?>?e@?@fA@AgBABhCBCiDCDjEDEkFEFlGFGmHGHnIHIo JI Jp! 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>׉?">׉?Z7>׉?L>׉?`>׉?u>׉?y>׉?C>k>׉?g]>׉?LO>׉?кA>׉?U3>׉? &>׉?W7>׉?` >׉?=׉?g=׉?Ϻ=׉? =׉?`=׉?g]=׉? &=׉?g<׉?g]<׉???׉?>)v?)>)v?G>>)v?S>)v?g>)v?|>)v?L>)v?>)v?к>)v?Ϻ>)v?Q>)v?>)v? >)v?">)v?Z7>)v?L>)v?`>)v?u>)v?y>)v?C>k>)v?g]>)v?LO>)v?кA>)v?U3>)v? &>)v?W7>)v?` >)v?=)v?g=)v?Ϻ=)v? =)v?`=)v?g]=)v? &=)v?g<)v?g]<)v?׉??)v?>tb?)>tb?G>>tb?S>tb?g>tb?|>tb?L>tb?>tb?к>tb?Ϻ>tb?Q>tb?>tb? >tb?">tb?Z7>tb?L>tb?`>tb?u>tb?y>tb?C>k>tb?g]>tb?LO>tb?кA>tb?U3>tb? &>tb?W7>tb?` >tb?=tb?g=tb?Ϻ=tb? =tb?`=tb?g]=tb? &=tb?gN?)>N?G>>N?S>N?g>N?|>N?L>N?>N?к>N?Ϻ>N?Q>N?>N? >N?">N?Z7>N?L>N?`>N?u>N?y>N?C>k>N?g]>N?LO>N?кA>N?U3>N? &>N?W7>N?` >N?=N?g=N?Ϻ=N? =N?`=N?g]=N? &=N?g;?)>;?G>>;?S>;?g>;?|>;?L>;?>;?к>;?Ϻ>;?Q>;?>;? >;?">;?Z7>;?L>;?`>;?u>;?y>;?C>k>;?g]>;?LO>;?кA>;?U3>;? &>;?W7>;?` >;?=;?g=;?Ϻ=;? =;?`=;?g]=;? &=;?g<;?g]<;?N??;?>c'?)>c'?G>>c'?S>c'?g>c'?|>c'?L>c'?>c'?к>c'?Ϻ>c'?Q>c'?>c'? >c'?">c'?Z7>c'?L>c'?`>c'?u>c'?y>c'?C>k>c'?g]>c'?LO>c'?кA>c'?U3>c'? &>c'?W7>c'?` >c'?=c'?g=c'?Ϻ=c'? =c'?`=c'?g]=c'? &=c'?g?)>?G>>?S>?g>?|>?L>?>?к>?Ϻ>?Q>?>? >?">?Z7>?L>?`>?u>?y>?C>k>?g]>?LO>?кA>?U3>? &>?W7>?` >?=?g=?Ϻ=? =?`=?g]=? &=?g<?g]<?c'?????) End of Binary Section 2010) (0 "Node flags:") (2041 (1 5f0) (                                                                      ) End of Binary Section 2041) (0 "Thread variables:") (39 (6 fluid fluid-6 1)( (material . water-liquid) (sources? . #f) (source-terms) (fixed? . #f) (cylindrical-fixed-var? . #f) (fixes) (motion-spec . 0) (grid-x-vel . 0) (grid-y-vel . 0) (grid-z-vel . 0) (omega . 0) (x-origin . 0) (y-origin . 0) (z-origin . 0) (ai . 0) (aj . 0) (ak . 1) (radiating? . #t) (deactivated? . #f) (laminar? . #f) (laminar-mut-zero? . #t) (glass? . #f) (porous? . #f) (conical? . #f) (direction-1/x (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (direction-1/y (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (direction-1/z (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (direction-2/x (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (direction-2/y (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (direction-2/z (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (cone-axis/x . 1) (cone-axis/y . 0) (cone-axis/z . 0) (cone-axis-pt/x . 1) (cone-axis-pt/y . 0) (cone-axis-pt/z . 0) (cone-angle . 0) (rel-vel-resistance? . #t) (porous-r/1 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (porous-r/2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (porous-r/3 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (alt-inertial-form? . #f) (porous-c/1 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (porous-c/2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (porous-c/3 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (c0 . 0) (c1 . 0) (porosity (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (solid-material . aluminum) (reaction-mechs . 0) (react? . #t) (surface-volume-ratio . 0) )) (39 (5 velocity-inlet velocity-inlet-5 1)( (geom-disable? . #f) (geom-dir-spec . #f) (geom-dir-x . 0) (geom-dir-y . 0) (geom-dir-z . 0) (geom-levels . 3) (geom-bgthread . 0) (open-channel-wave-bc? . #f) (wave-bc-type . 0) (phase-spec . 0) (wave-amplitude . 0) (wave-length . 0) (ht-local . 0) (ht-bottom . 0) (wave-heading-angle . 0) (wave-phase-diff . 0) (wave-velocity-spec . 1) (velocity-spec . 2) (frame-of-reference . 0) (wave-vmag (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (vmag (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (coordinate-system . 0) (u (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (v (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (w (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (ni (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (nj (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (nk (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (ai . 1) (aj . 0) (ak . 0) (x-origin . 0) (y-origin . 0) (z-origin . 0) (omega-swirl . 0) (t (constant . 300) (profile "" "")) (les-spec . 0) (rfg-number-of-modes . 50) (vm-number-of-vortices . 190) (vm-streamwise-fluct? . #t) (ke-spec . 0) (nut (constant . 0.001) (profile "" "")) (kl (constant . 1e-06) (profile "" "")) (intermit (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (k (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (e (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (o (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (v2 (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (turb-intensity . 0.1) (turb-length-scale . 1) (turb-hydraulic-diam . 1) (turb-viscosity-ratio . 10) (turb-viscosity-ratio-profile (constant . 10) (profile "" "")) (rst-spec . 0) (uu (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (vv (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (ww (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (uv (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (vw (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (uw (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (ksgs-spec . 0) (ksgs (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (sgs-turb-intensity . 0.1) (granular-temperature (constant . 0.0001) (profile "" "")) (iac (constant . 0.0001) (profile "" "")) (volume-fraction (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (species-in-mole-fractions? . #f) (mf ((constant . 0) (profile "" ""))) (prob-mode-1 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (prob-mode-2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (prob-mode-3 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (equ-required? . #f) (uds-bc 0) (uds . value) (pb-disc-bc 1) (pb-disc . value) (pb-qmom-bc 1) (pb-qmom . value) (pb-smm-bc 1) (pb-smm . value) (p (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (premixc (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (ecfm (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (inert (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_no (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hcn (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_nh3 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_n2o (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_urea (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hnco (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_nco (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_so2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_h2s (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_so3 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_sh (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_so (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_soot (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_nuclei (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_ctar (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hg (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hgcl2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hcl (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_cl (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_cl2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hgcl (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hgo (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (t-b-b-spec . 0) (t-b-b . 300) (in-emiss (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (fmean (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (fvar (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (fmean2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (fvar2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (dpm/bc-type . 4) (dpm/bc-udf . "none") (mixing-plane-thread? . #f) (solar-fluxes? . #t) (solar-shining-factor . 1) (radiating-s2s-surface? . #t) )) (39 (4 pressure-outlet pressure-outlet-4 1)( (geom-disable? . #f) (geom-dir-spec . #f) (geom-dir-x . 0) (geom-dir-y . 0) (geom-dir-z . 0) (geom-levels . 3) (geom-bgthread . 0) (open-channel? . #f) (outlet-number . 1) (press-spec . 0) (ht-local . 0) (p (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (ht-bottom . 0) (t0 (constant . 300) (profile "" "")) (direction-spec . 1) (coordinate-system . 0) (ni (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (nj (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (nk (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (ai . 1) (aj . 0) (ak . 0) (x-origin . 0) (y-origin . 0) (z-origin . 0) (ke-spec . 0) (nut (constant . 0.001) (profile "" "")) (kl (constant . 1e-06) (profile "" "")) (intermit (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (k (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (e (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (o (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (v2 (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (turb-intensity . 0.1) (turb-length-scale . 1) (turb-hydraulic-diam . 1) (turb-viscosity-ratio . 10) (turb-viscosity-ratio-profile (constant . 10) (profile "" "")) (rst-spec . 0) (uu (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (vv (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (ww (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (uv (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (vw (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (uw (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (ksgs-spec . 0) (ksgs (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (sgs-turb-intensity . 0.1) (t-b-b-spec . 0) (t-b-b . 300) (in-emiss (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (fmean (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (fmean2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (fvar (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (fvar2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (granular-temperature (constant . 0.0001) (profile "" "")) (iac (constant . 0.0001) (profile "" "")) (volume-fraction (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (species-in-mole-fractions? . #f) (mf ((constant . 0) (profile "" ""))) (prob-mode-1 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (prob-mode-2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (prob-mode-3 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (premixc (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (ecfm (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (inert (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_no (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hcn (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_nh3 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_n2o (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_urea (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hnco (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_nco (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_so2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_h2s (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_so3 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_sh (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_so (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_soot (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_nuclei (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_ctar (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hg (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hgcl2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hcl (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_cl (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_cl2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hgcl (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hgo (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (uds-bc 0) (uds . value) (pb-disc-bc 1) (pb-disc . value) (pb-qmom-bc 1) (pb-qmom . value) (pb-smm-bc 1) (pb-smm . value) (dpm/bc-type . 4) (dpm/bc-udf . "none") (mixing-plane-thread? . #f) (radial? . #f) (targeted-mf-boundary? . #f) (gen-nrbc? . #f) (gen-nrbc-spec . 0) (targeted-mf (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (targeted-mf-pmax (constant . 5000000) (profile "" "")) (targeted-mf-pmin (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (wsf (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (wsb (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (wsn (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (solar-fluxes? . #t) (solar-shining-factor . 1) (radiating-s2s-surface? . #t) )) (39 (3 interior interior-3 1)( )) (39 (2 wall wall-2 1)( (geom-disable? . #f) (geom-dir-spec . #f) (geom-dir-x . 0) (geom-dir-y . 0) (geom-dir-z . 0) (geom-levels . 3) (geom-bgthread . 0) (d . 0) (q-dot (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (material . aluminum) (thermal-bc . 1) (t (constant . 300) (profile "" "")) (q (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (h (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (tinf (constant . 300) (profile "" "")) (planar-conduction? . #f) (motion-bc . 0) (shear-bc . 0) (moving? . #f) (relative? . #t) (rotating? . #f) (vmag . 0) (ni . 1) (nj . 0) (nk . 0) (components? . #f) (u (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (v (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (w (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (in-emiss (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (ex-emiss (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (trad (constant . 300) (profile "" "")) (int-rad? . #f) (trad-internal . 300) (area-enhancement-factor (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (roughness-height (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (roughness-const (constant . 0.5) (profile "" "")) (dpm/bc-type . 2) (dpm/bc-norm-coeff (polynomial angle 1)) (dpm/bc-tang-coeff (polynomial angle 1)) (dpm/bc-udf . "none") (dpm/film-splash-nsamp . 4) (dpm/bc-erosion (polynomial angle 1)) (dpm/bc-erosion-c (polynomial 1.8e-09)) (dpm/bc-erosion-n (polynomial 0)) (band-in-emiss ((constant . 1) (profile "" ""))) (radiation-bc . 3) (q-ni (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (q-nj (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (q-nk (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (coll-dtheta . 1.744e-08) (coll-dphi . 1.744e-08) (band-q-irrad ((constant . 0) (profile "" ""))) (band-q-irrad-diffuse ((constant . 0) (profile "" ""))) (band-diffuse-frac 1) (radiating-s2s-surface? . #t) (critical-zone? . #f) (fpsc . 1) (parallel-collimated-beam? . #f) (solar-fluxes? . #t) (solar-direction? . #f) (solar-irradiation? . #f) (v-transmissivity (constant . 0.8) (profile "" "")) (ir-transmissivity (constant . 0.8) (profile "" "")) (v-opq-absorbtivity (constant . 0.8) (profile "" "")) (ir-opq-absorbtivity (constant . 0.8) (profile "" "")) (v-st-absorbtivity (constant . 0.1) (profile "" "")) (ir-st-absorbtivity (constant . 0.1) (profile "" "")) (d-st-absorbtivity (constant . 0.1) (profile "" "")) (d-transmissivity (constant . 0.8) (profile "" "")) (fsi-interface? . #f) (react? . #f) (species-spec 0) (mf ((constant . 0) (profile "" ""))) (uds-bc 0) (uds . value) (gtemp-bc . 0) (g-temperature (constant . 1e-08) (profile "" "")) (g-qflux (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (wall-restitution-coeff . 0.2) (omega . 0) (x-origin . 0) (y-origin . 0) (z-origin . 0) (ai . 0) (aj . 0) (ak . 1) (adhesion-angle) (specified-shear? . #f) (shear-x (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (shear-y (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (shear-z (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (surf-tens-grad . 0) (contact-resistance (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (reaction-mechs . 0) (specular-coeff . 0) )) (39 (1 wall wall-1 1)( (geom-disable? . #f) (geom-dir-spec . #f) (geom-dir-x . 0) (geom-dir-y . 0) (geom-dir-z . 0) (geom-levels . 3) (geom-bgthread . 0) (d . 0) (q-dot (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (material . aluminum) (thermal-bc . 1) (t (constant . 300) (profile "" "")) (q (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (h (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (tinf (constant . 300) (profile "" "")) (planar-conduction? . #f) (motion-bc . 0) (shear-bc . 0) (moving? . #f) (relative? . #t) (rotating? . #f) (vmag . 0) (ni . 1) (nj . 0) (nk . 0) (components? . #f) (u (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (v (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (w (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (in-emiss (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (ex-emiss (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (trad (constant . 300) (profile "" "")) (int-rad? . #f) (trad-internal . 300) (area-enhancement-factor (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (roughness-height (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (roughness-const (constant . 0.5) (profile "" "")) (dpm/bc-type . 2) (dpm/bc-norm-coeff (polynomial angle 1)) (dpm/bc-tang-coeff (polynomial angle 1)) (dpm/bc-udf . "none") (dpm/film-splash-nsamp . 4) (dpm/bc-erosion (polynomial angle 1)) (dpm/bc-erosion-c (polynomial 1.8e-09)) (dpm/bc-erosion-n (polynomial 0)) (band-in-emiss ((constant . 1) (profile "" ""))) (radiation-bc . 3) (q-ni (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (q-nj (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (q-nk (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (coll-dtheta . 1.744e-08) (coll-dphi . 1.744e-08) (band-q-irrad ((constant . 0) (profile "" ""))) (band-q-irrad-diffuse ((constant . 0) (profile "" ""))) (band-diffuse-frac 1) (radiating-s2s-surface? . #t) (critical-zone? . #f) (fpsc . 1) (parallel-collimated-beam? . #f) (solar-fluxes? . #t) (solar-direction? . #f) (solar-irradiation? . #f) (v-transmissivity (constant . 0.8) (profile "" "")) (ir-transmissivity (constant . 0.8) (profile "" "")) (v-opq-absorbtivity (constant . 0.8) (profile "" "")) (ir-opq-absorbtivity (constant . 0.8) (profile "" "")) (v-st-absorbtivity (constant . 0.1) (profile "" "")) (ir-st-absorbtivity (constant . 0.1) (profile "" "")) (d-st-absorbtivity (constant . 0.1) (profile "" "")) (d-transmissivity (constant . 0.8) (profile "" "")) (fsi-interface? . #f) (react? . #f) (species-spec 0) (mf ((constant . 0) (profile "" ""))) (uds-bc 0) (uds . value) (gtemp-bc . 0) (g-temperature (constant . 1e-08) (profile "" "")) (g-qflux (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (wall-restitution-coeff . 0.2) (omega . 0) (x-origin . 0) (y-origin . 0) (z-origin . 0) (ai . 0) (aj . 0) (ak . 1) (adhesion-angle) (specified-shear? . #f) (shear-x (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (shear-y (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (shear-z (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (surf-tens-grad . 0) (contact-resistance (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (reaction-mechs . 0) (specular-coeff . 0) )) (39 (1 wall wall-1 3)( (geom-disable? . #f) (geom-dir-spec . #f) (geom-dir-x . 0) (geom-dir-y . 0) (geom-dir-z . 0) (geom-levels . 3) (geom-bgthread . 0) (d . 0) (q-dot (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (material . aluminum) (thermal-bc . 1) (t (constant . 300) (profile "" "")) (q (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (h (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (tinf (constant . 300) (profile "" "")) (planar-conduction? . #f) (motion-bc . 0) (shear-bc . 0) (moving? . #f) (relative? . #t) (rotating? . #f) (vmag . 0) (ni . 1) (nj . 0) (nk . 0) (components? . #f) (u (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (v (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (w (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (in-emiss (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (ex-emiss (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (trad (constant . 300) (profile "" "")) (int-rad? . #f) (trad-internal . 300) (area-enhancement-factor (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (roughness-height (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (roughness-const (constant . 0.5) (profile "" "")) (dpm/bc-type . 2) (dpm/bc-norm-coeff (polynomial angle 1)) (dpm/bc-tang-coeff (polynomial angle 1)) (dpm/bc-udf . "none") (dpm/film-splash-nsamp . 4) (dpm/bc-erosion (polynomial angle 1)) (dpm/bc-erosion-c (polynomial 1.8e-09)) (dpm/bc-erosion-n (polynomial 0)) (band-in-emiss ((constant . 1) (profile "" ""))) (radiation-bc . 3) (q-ni (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (q-nj (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (q-nk (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (coll-dtheta . 1.744e-08) (coll-dphi . 1.744e-08) (band-q-irrad ((constant . 0) (profile "" ""))) (band-q-irrad-diffuse ((constant . 0) (profile "" ""))) (band-diffuse-frac 1) (radiating-s2s-surface? . #t) (critical-zone? . #f) (fpsc . 1) (parallel-collimated-beam? . #f) (solar-fluxes? . #t) (solar-direction? . #f) (solar-irradiation? . #f) (v-transmissivity (constant . 0.8) (profile "" "")) (ir-transmissivity (constant . 0.8) (profile "" "")) (v-opq-absorbtivity (constant . 0.8) (profile "" "")) (ir-opq-absorbtivity (constant . 0.8) (profile "" "")) (v-st-absorbtivity (constant . 0.1) (profile "" "")) (ir-st-absorbtivity (constant . 0.1) (profile "" "")) (d-st-absorbtivity (constant . 0.1) (profile "" "")) (d-transmissivity (constant . 0.8) (profile "" "")) (fsi-interface? . #f) (react? . #f) (species-spec 0) (mf ((constant . 0) (profile "" ""))) (uds-bc 0) (uds . value) (gtemp-bc . 0) (g-temperature (constant . 1e-08) (profile "" "")) (g-qflux (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (wall-restitution-coeff . 0.2) (omega . 0) (x-origin . 0) (y-origin . 0) (z-origin . 0) (ai . 0) (aj . 0) (ak . 1) (adhesion-angle) (specified-shear? . #f) (shear-x (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (shear-y (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (shear-z (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (surf-tens-grad . 0) (contact-resistance (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (reaction-mechs . 0) (specular-coeff . 0) )) (39 (2 wall wall-2 3)( (geom-disable? . #f) (geom-dir-spec . #f) (geom-dir-x . 0) (geom-dir-y . 0) (geom-dir-z . 0) (geom-levels . 3) (geom-bgthread . 0) (d . 0) (q-dot (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (material . aluminum) (thermal-bc . 1) (t (constant . 300) (profile "" "")) (q (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (h (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (tinf (constant . 300) (profile "" "")) (planar-conduction? . #f) (motion-bc . 0) (shear-bc . 0) (moving? . #f) (relative? . #t) (rotating? . #f) (vmag . 0) (ni . 1) (nj . 0) (nk . 0) (components? . #f) (u (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (v (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (w (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (in-emiss (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (ex-emiss (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (trad (constant . 300) (profile "" "")) (int-rad? . #f) (trad-internal . 300) (area-enhancement-factor (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (roughness-height (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (roughness-const (constant . 0.5) (profile "" "")) (dpm/bc-type . 2) (dpm/bc-norm-coeff (polynomial angle 1)) (dpm/bc-tang-coeff (polynomial angle 1)) (dpm/bc-udf . "none") (dpm/film-splash-nsamp . 4) (dpm/bc-erosion (polynomial angle 1)) (dpm/bc-erosion-c (polynomial 1.8e-09)) (dpm/bc-erosion-n (polynomial 0)) (band-in-emiss ((constant . 1) (profile "" ""))) (radiation-bc . 3) (q-ni (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (q-nj (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (q-nk (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (coll-dtheta . 1.744e-08) (coll-dphi . 1.744e-08) (band-q-irrad ((constant . 0) (profile "" ""))) (band-q-irrad-diffuse ((constant . 0) (profile "" ""))) (band-diffuse-frac 1) (radiating-s2s-surface? . #t) (critical-zone? . #f) (fpsc . 1) (parallel-collimated-beam? . #f) (solar-fluxes? . #t) (solar-direction? . #f) (solar-irradiation? . #f) (v-transmissivity (constant . 0.8) (profile "" "")) (ir-transmissivity (constant . 0.8) (profile "" "")) (v-opq-absorbtivity (constant . 0.8) (profile "" "")) (ir-opq-absorbtivity (constant . 0.8) (profile "" "")) (v-st-absorbtivity (constant . 0.1) (profile "" "")) (ir-st-absorbtivity (constant . 0.1) (profile "" "")) (d-st-absorbtivity (constant . 0.1) (profile "" "")) (d-transmissivity (constant . 0.8) (profile "" "")) (fsi-interface? . #f) (react? . #f) (species-spec 0) (mf ((constant . 0) (profile "" ""))) (uds-bc 0) (uds . value) (gtemp-bc . 0) (g-temperature (constant . 1e-08) (profile "" "")) (g-qflux (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (wall-restitution-coeff . 0.2) (omega . 0) (x-origin . 0) (y-origin . 0) (z-origin . 0) (ai . 0) (aj . 0) (ak . 1) (adhesion-angle) (specified-shear? . #f) (shear-x (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (shear-y (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (shear-z (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (surf-tens-grad . 0) (contact-resistance (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (reaction-mechs . 0) (specular-coeff . 0) )) (39 (3 interior interior-3 3)( )) (39 (4 pressure-outlet pressure-outlet-4 3)( (geom-disable? . #f) (geom-dir-spec . #f) (geom-dir-x . 0) (geom-dir-y . 0) (geom-dir-z . 0) (geom-levels . 3) (geom-bgthread . 0) (open-channel? . #f) (outlet-number . 1) (press-spec . 0) (ht-local . 0) (p (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (ht-bottom . 0) (t0 (constant . 300) (profile "" "")) (direction-spec . 1) (coordinate-system . 0) (ni (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (nj (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (nk (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (ai . 1) (aj . 0) (ak . 0) (x-origin . 0) (y-origin . 0) (z-origin . 0) (ke-spec . 0) (nut (constant . 0.001) (profile "" "")) (kl (constant . 1e-06) (profile "" "")) (intermit (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (k (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (e (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (o (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (v2 (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (turb-intensity . 0.1) (turb-length-scale . 1) (turb-hydraulic-diam . 1) (turb-viscosity-ratio . 10) (turb-viscosity-ratio-profile (constant . 10) (profile "" "")) (rst-spec . 0) (uu (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (vv (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (ww (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (uv (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (vw (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (uw (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (ksgs-spec . 0) (ksgs (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (sgs-turb-intensity . 0.1) (t-b-b-spec . 0) (t-b-b . 300) (in-emiss (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (fmean (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (fmean2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (fvar (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (fvar2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (granular-temperature (constant . 0.0001) (profile "" "")) (iac (constant . 0.0001) (profile "" "")) (volume-fraction (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (species-in-mole-fractions? . #f) (mf ((constant . 0) (profile "" ""))) (prob-mode-1 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (prob-mode-2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (prob-mode-3 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (premixc (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (ecfm (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (inert (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_no (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hcn (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_nh3 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_n2o (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_urea (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hnco (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_nco (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_so2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_h2s (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_so3 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_sh (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_so (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_soot (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_nuclei (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_ctar (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hg (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hgcl2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hcl (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_cl (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_cl2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hgcl (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hgo (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (uds-bc) (uds) (pb-disc-bc) (pb-disc) (pb-qmom-bc) (pb-qmom) (pb-smm-bc) (pb-smm) (dpm/bc-type . 4) (dpm/bc-udf . "none") (mixing-plane-thread? . #f) (radial? . #f) (targeted-mf-boundary? . #f) (gen-nrbc? . #f) (gen-nrbc-spec . 0) (targeted-mf (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (targeted-mf-pmax (constant . 5000000) (profile "" "")) (targeted-mf-pmin (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (wsf (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (wsb (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (wsn (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (solar-fluxes? . #t) (solar-shining-factor . 1) (radiating-s2s-surface? . #t) )) (39 (5 velocity-inlet velocity-inlet-5 3)( (geom-disable? . #f) (geom-dir-spec . #f) (geom-dir-x . 0) (geom-dir-y . 0) (geom-dir-z . 0) (geom-levels . 3) (geom-bgthread . 0) (open-channel-wave-bc? . #f) (wave-bc-type . 0) (phase-spec . 0) (wave-amplitude . 0) (wave-length . 0) (ht-local . 0) (ht-bottom . 0) (wave-heading-angle . 0) (wave-phase-diff . 0) (wave-velocity-spec . 1) (velocity-spec . 2) (frame-of-reference . 0) (wave-vmag (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (vmag (constant . 0.00066000002) (profile "" "")) (coordinate-system . 0) (u (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (v (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (w (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (ni (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (nj (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (nk (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (ai . 1) (aj . 0) (ak . 0) (x-origin . 0) (y-origin . 0) (z-origin . 0) (omega-swirl . 0) (t (constant . 300) (profile "" "")) (les-spec . 0) (rfg-number-of-modes . 50) (vm-number-of-vortices . 190) (vm-streamwise-fluct? . #t) (ke-spec . 0) (nut (constant . 0.001) (profile "" "")) (kl (constant . 1e-06) (profile "" "")) (intermit (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (k (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (e (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (o (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (v2 (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (turb-intensity . 0.1) (turb-length-scale . 1) (turb-hydraulic-diam . 1) (turb-viscosity-ratio . 10) (turb-viscosity-ratio-profile (constant . 10) (profile "" "")) (rst-spec . 0) (uu (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (vv (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (ww (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (uv (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (vw (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (uw (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (ksgs-spec . 0) (ksgs (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (sgs-turb-intensity . 0.1) (granular-temperature (constant . 0.0001) (profile "" "")) (iac (constant . 0.0001) (profile "" "")) (volume-fraction (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (species-in-mole-fractions? . #f) (mf ((constant . 0) (profile "" ""))) (prob-mode-1 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (prob-mode-2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (prob-mode-3 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (equ-required? . #f) (uds-bc) (uds) (pb-disc-bc) (pb-disc) (pb-qmom-bc) (pb-qmom) (pb-smm-bc) (pb-smm) (p (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (premixc (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (ecfm (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (inert (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_no (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hcn (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_nh3 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_n2o (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_urea (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hnco (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_nco (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_so2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_h2s (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_so3 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_sh (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_so (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_soot (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_nuclei (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_ctar (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hg (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hgcl2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hcl (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_cl (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_cl2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hgcl (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hgo (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (t-b-b-spec . 0) (t-b-b . 300) (in-emiss (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (fmean (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (fvar (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (fmean2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (fvar2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (dpm/bc-type . 4) (dpm/bc-udf . "none") (mixing-plane-thread? . #f) (solar-fluxes? . #t) (solar-shining-factor . 1) (radiating-s2s-surface? . #t) )) (39 (6 fluid fluid-6 3)( (material . air) (sources? . #f) (source-terms) (fixed? . #f) (cylindrical-fixed-var? . #f) (fixes) (motion-spec . 0) (grid-x-vel . 0) (grid-y-vel . 0) (grid-z-vel . 0) (omega . 0) (x-origin . 0) (y-origin . 0) (z-origin . 0) (ai . 0) (aj . 0) (ak . 1) (radiating? . #t) (deactivated? . #f) (laminar? . #f) (laminar-mut-zero? . #t) (glass? . #f) (porous? . #f) (conical? . #f) (direction-1/x (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (direction-1/y (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (direction-1/z (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (direction-2/x (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (direction-2/y (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (direction-2/z (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (cone-axis/x . 1) (cone-axis/y . 0) (cone-axis/z . 0) (cone-axis-pt/x . 1) (cone-axis-pt/y . 0) (cone-axis-pt/z . 0) (cone-angle . 0) (rel-vel-resistance? . #t) (porous-r/1 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (porous-r/2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (porous-r/3 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (alt-inertial-form? . #f) (porous-c/1 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (porous-c/2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (porous-c/3 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (c0 . 0) (c1 . 0) (porosity (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (solid-material . aluminum) (reaction-mechs . 0) (react? . #t) (surface-volume-ratio . 0) )) (39 (1 wall wall-1 2)( (geom-disable? . #f) (geom-dir-spec . #f) (geom-dir-x . 0) (geom-dir-y . 0) (geom-dir-z . 0) (geom-levels . 3) (geom-bgthread . 0) (d . 0) (q-dot (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (material . aluminum) (thermal-bc . 1) (t (constant . 300) (profile "" "")) (q (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (h (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (tinf (constant . 300) (profile "" "")) (planar-conduction? . #f) (motion-bc . 0) (shear-bc . 0) (moving? . #f) (relative? . #t) (rotating? . #f) (vmag . 0) (ni . 1) (nj . 0) (nk . 0) (components? . #f) (u (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (v (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (w (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (in-emiss (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (ex-emiss (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (trad (constant . 300) (profile "" "")) (int-rad? . #f) (trad-internal . 300) (area-enhancement-factor (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (roughness-height (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (roughness-const (constant . 0.5) (profile "" "")) (dpm/bc-type . 2) (dpm/bc-norm-coeff (polynomial angle 1)) (dpm/bc-tang-coeff (polynomial angle 1)) (dpm/bc-udf . "none") (dpm/film-splash-nsamp . 4) (dpm/bc-erosion (polynomial angle 1)) (dpm/bc-erosion-c (polynomial 1.8e-09)) (dpm/bc-erosion-n (polynomial 0)) (band-in-emiss ((constant . 1) (profile "" ""))) (radiation-bc . 3) (q-ni (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (q-nj (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (q-nk (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (coll-dtheta . 1.744e-08) (coll-dphi . 1.744e-08) (band-q-irrad ((constant . 0) (profile "" ""))) (band-q-irrad-diffuse ((constant . 0) (profile "" ""))) (band-diffuse-frac 1) (radiating-s2s-surface? . #t) (critical-zone? . #f) (fpsc . 1) (parallel-collimated-beam? . #f) (solar-fluxes? . #t) (solar-direction? . #f) (solar-irradiation? . #f) (v-transmissivity (constant . 0.8) (profile "" "")) (ir-transmissivity (constant . 0.8) (profile "" "")) (v-opq-absorbtivity (constant . 0.8) (profile "" "")) (ir-opq-absorbtivity (constant . 0.8) (profile "" "")) (v-st-absorbtivity (constant . 0.1) (profile "" "")) (ir-st-absorbtivity (constant . 0.1) (profile "" "")) (d-st-absorbtivity (constant . 0.1) (profile "" "")) (d-transmissivity (constant . 0.8) (profile "" "")) (fsi-interface? . #f) (react? . #f) (species-spec 0) (mf ((constant . 0) (profile "" ""))) (uds-bc 0) (uds . value) (gtemp-bc . 0) (g-temperature (constant . 1e-08) (profile "" "")) (g-qflux (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (wall-restitution-coeff . 0.2) (omega . 0) (x-origin . 0) (y-origin . 0) (z-origin . 0) (ai . 0) (aj . 0) (ak . 1) (adhesion-angle) (specified-shear? . #f) (shear-x (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (shear-y (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (shear-z (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (surf-tens-grad . 0) (contact-resistance (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (reaction-mechs . 0) (specular-coeff . 0) )) (39 (2 wall wall-2 2)( (geom-disable? . #f) (geom-dir-spec . #f) (geom-dir-x . 0) (geom-dir-y . 0) (geom-dir-z . 0) (geom-levels . 3) (geom-bgthread . 0) (d . 0) (q-dot (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (material . aluminum) (thermal-bc . 1) (t (constant . 300) (profile "" "")) (q (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (h (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (tinf (constant . 300) (profile "" "")) (planar-conduction? . #f) (motion-bc . 0) (shear-bc . 0) (moving? . #f) (relative? . #t) (rotating? . #f) (vmag . 0) (ni . 1) (nj . 0) (nk . 0) (components? . #f) (u (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (v (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (w (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (in-emiss (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (ex-emiss (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (trad (constant . 300) (profile "" "")) (int-rad? . #f) (trad-internal . 300) (area-enhancement-factor (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (roughness-height (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (roughness-const (constant . 0.5) (profile "" "")) (dpm/bc-type . 2) (dpm/bc-norm-coeff (polynomial angle 1)) (dpm/bc-tang-coeff (polynomial angle 1)) (dpm/bc-udf . "none") (dpm/film-splash-nsamp . 4) (dpm/bc-erosion (polynomial angle 1)) (dpm/bc-erosion-c (polynomial 1.8e-09)) (dpm/bc-erosion-n (polynomial 0)) (band-in-emiss ((constant . 1) (profile "" ""))) (radiation-bc . 3) (q-ni (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (q-nj (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (q-nk (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (coll-dtheta . 1.744e-08) (coll-dphi . 1.744e-08) (band-q-irrad ((constant . 0) (profile "" ""))) (band-q-irrad-diffuse ((constant . 0) (profile "" ""))) (band-diffuse-frac 1) (radiating-s2s-surface? . #t) (critical-zone? . #f) (fpsc . 1) (parallel-collimated-beam? . #f) (solar-fluxes? . #t) (solar-direction? . #f) (solar-irradiation? . #f) (v-transmissivity (constant . 0.8) (profile "" "")) (ir-transmissivity (constant . 0.8) (profile "" "")) (v-opq-absorbtivity (constant . 0.8) (profile "" "")) (ir-opq-absorbtivity (constant . 0.8) (profile "" "")) (v-st-absorbtivity (constant . 0.1) (profile "" "")) (ir-st-absorbtivity (constant . 0.1) (profile "" "")) (d-st-absorbtivity (constant . 0.1) (profile "" "")) (d-transmissivity (constant . 0.8) (profile "" "")) (fsi-interface? . #f) (react? . #f) (species-spec 0) (mf ((constant . 0) (profile "" ""))) (uds-bc 0) (uds . value) (gtemp-bc . 0) (g-temperature (constant . 1e-08) (profile "" "")) (g-qflux (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (wall-restitution-coeff . 0.2) (omega . 0) (x-origin . 0) (y-origin . 0) (z-origin . 0) (ai . 0) (aj . 0) (ak . 1) (adhesion-angle) (specified-shear? . #f) (shear-x (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (shear-y (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (shear-z (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (surf-tens-grad . 0) (contact-resistance (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (reaction-mechs . 0) (specular-coeff . 0) )) (39 (3 interior interior-3 2)( )) (39 (4 pressure-outlet pressure-outlet-4 2)( (geom-disable? . #f) (geom-dir-spec . #f) (geom-dir-x . 0) (geom-dir-y . 0) (geom-dir-z . 0) (geom-levels . 3) (geom-bgthread . 0) (open-channel? . #f) (outlet-number . 1) (press-spec . 0) (ht-local . 0) (p (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (ht-bottom . 0) (t0 (constant . 300) (profile "" "")) (direction-spec . 1) (coordinate-system . 0) (ni (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (nj (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (nk (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (ai . 1) (aj . 0) (ak . 0) (x-origin . 0) (y-origin . 0) (z-origin . 0) (ke-spec . 0) (nut (constant . 0.001) (profile "" "")) (kl (constant . 1e-06) (profile "" "")) (intermit (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (k (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (e (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (o (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (v2 (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (turb-intensity . 0.1) (turb-length-scale . 1) (turb-hydraulic-diam . 1) (turb-viscosity-ratio . 10) (turb-viscosity-ratio-profile (constant . 10) (profile "" "")) (rst-spec . 0) (uu (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (vv (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (ww (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (uv (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (vw (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (uw (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (ksgs-spec . 0) (ksgs (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (sgs-turb-intensity . 0.1) (t-b-b-spec . 0) (t-b-b . 300) (in-emiss (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (fmean (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (fmean2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (fvar (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (fvar2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (granular-temperature (constant . 0.0001) (profile "" "")) (iac (constant . 0.0001) (profile "" "")) (volume-fraction (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (species-in-mole-fractions? . #f) (mf ((constant . 0) (profile "" ""))) (prob-mode-1 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (prob-mode-2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (prob-mode-3 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (premixc (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (ecfm (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (inert (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_no (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hcn (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_nh3 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_n2o (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_urea (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hnco (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_nco (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_so2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_h2s (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_so3 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_sh (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_so (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_soot (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_nuclei (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_ctar (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hg (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hgcl2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hcl (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_cl (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_cl2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hgcl (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hgo (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (uds-bc) (uds) (pb-disc-bc) (pb-disc) (pb-qmom-bc) (pb-qmom) (pb-smm-bc) (pb-smm) (dpm/bc-type . 4) (dpm/bc-udf . "none") (mixing-plane-thread? . #f) (radial? . #f) (targeted-mf-boundary? . #f) (gen-nrbc? . #f) (gen-nrbc-spec . 0) (targeted-mf (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (targeted-mf-pmax (constant . 5000000) (profile "" "")) (targeted-mf-pmin (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (wsf (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (wsb (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (wsn (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (solar-fluxes? . #t) (solar-shining-factor . 1) (radiating-s2s-surface? . #t) )) (39 (5 velocity-inlet velocity-inlet-5 2)( (geom-disable? . #f) (geom-dir-spec . #f) (geom-dir-x . 0) (geom-dir-y . 0) (geom-dir-z . 0) (geom-levels . 3) (geom-bgthread . 0) (open-channel-wave-bc? . #f) (wave-bc-type . 0) (phase-spec . 0) (wave-amplitude . 0) (wave-length . 0) (ht-local . 0) (ht-bottom . 0) (wave-heading-angle . 0) (wave-phase-diff . 0) (wave-velocity-spec . 1) (velocity-spec . 2) (frame-of-reference . 0) (wave-vmag (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (vmag (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (coordinate-system . 0) (u (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (v (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (w (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (ni (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (nj (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (nk (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (ai . 1) (aj . 0) (ak . 0) (x-origin . 0) (y-origin . 0) (z-origin . 0) (omega-swirl . 0) (t (constant . 300) (profile "" "")) (les-spec . 0) (rfg-number-of-modes . 50) (vm-number-of-vortices . 190) (vm-streamwise-fluct? . #t) (ke-spec . 0) (nut (constant . 0.001) (profile "" "")) (kl (constant . 1e-06) (profile "" "")) (intermit (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (k (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (e (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (o (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (v2 (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (turb-intensity . 0.1) (turb-length-scale . 1) (turb-hydraulic-diam . 1) (turb-viscosity-ratio . 10) (turb-viscosity-ratio-profile (constant . 10) (profile "" "")) (rst-spec . 0) (uu (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (vv (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (ww (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (uv (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (vw (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (uw (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (ksgs-spec . 0) (ksgs (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (sgs-turb-intensity . 0.1) (granular-temperature (constant . 0.0001) (profile "" "")) (iac (constant . 0.0001) (profile "" "")) (volume-fraction (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (species-in-mole-fractions? . #f) (mf ((constant . 0) (profile "" ""))) (prob-mode-1 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (prob-mode-2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (prob-mode-3 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (equ-required? . #f) (uds-bc) (uds) (pb-disc-bc) (pb-disc) (pb-qmom-bc) (pb-qmom) (pb-smm-bc) (pb-smm) (p (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (premixc (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (ecfm (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (inert (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_no (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hcn (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_nh3 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_n2o (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_urea (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hnco (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_nco (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_so2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_h2s (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_so3 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_sh (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_so (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_soot (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_nuclei (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_ctar (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hg (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hgcl2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hcl (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_cl (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_cl2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hgcl (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (pollut_hgo (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (t-b-b-spec . 0) (t-b-b . 300) (in-emiss (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (fmean (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (fvar (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (fmean2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (fvar2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (dpm/bc-type . 4) (dpm/bc-udf . "none") (mixing-plane-thread? . #f) (solar-fluxes? . #t) (solar-shining-factor . 1) (radiating-s2s-surface? . #t) )) (39 (6 fluid fluid-6 2)( (material . water-liquid) (sources? . #f) (source-terms) (fixed? . #f) (cylindrical-fixed-var? . #f) (fixes) (motion-spec . 0) (grid-x-vel . 0) (grid-y-vel . 0) (grid-z-vel . 0) (omega . 0) (x-origin . 0) (y-origin . 0) (z-origin . 0) (ai . 0) (aj . 0) (ak . 1) (radiating? . #t) (deactivated? . #f) (laminar? . #f) (laminar-mut-zero? . #t) (glass? . #f) (porous? . #f) (conical? . #f) (direction-1/x (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (direction-1/y (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (direction-1/z (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (direction-2/x (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (direction-2/y (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (direction-2/z (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (cone-axis/x . 1) (cone-axis/y . 0) (cone-axis/z . 0) (cone-axis-pt/x . 1) (cone-axis-pt/y . 0) (cone-axis-pt/z . 0) (cone-angle . 0) (rel-vel-resistance? . #t) (porous-r/1 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (porous-r/2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (porous-r/3 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (alt-inertial-form? . #f) (porous-c/1 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (porous-c/2 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (porous-c/3 (constant . 0) (profile "" "")) (c0 . 0) (c1 . 0) (porosity (constant . 1) (profile "" "")) (solid-material . aluminum) (reaction-mechs . 0) (react? . #t) (surface-volume-ratio . 0) )) (0 "Boundary profiles:") (0 "User defined section:")