Vehicle Aerodynamics course info
Dear Students!

After each lecture I will upload the lecture presentations of Vehicle Aerodynamics to the subject website: 
Here, the "admin" subdirectory contains the subject's datasheet and requirements.
Here, the "ea-lecture" subdirectory will contain the lecture presentations: you can download them in pdf files. 
Here, the "labor-laboratory" subdirectory will contain the labsession guideline. I will upload it later, needs to be updated...

The lab course will start only in the 2nd half of the semester (8th-14th weeks), WED 16-18h in the Main Laboratory of the Department of Fluid Mechanics: "Ae" building).
It is suggested to start forming measurment groups of 5 students each, and start thinking about what kind of passenger car you will construct as a scaled-doqn model can in 1:20 scale. Browse the internet for 2D/3D CAD models, blueprints etc. (e.g.
Think about how it will be possible to manually create a proper scale-model car using a wooden chassis and 4 wheels and modeling (styro)foam and possibly plasticine, too. Also using the 3D printing is allowed, though we cannot support it financially.

I suggest you to take visit our Main laboratory on the Researchers' Night (September 27, 2024): the wind tunnel laboratory will be open for everybody from 18:00h to approx. midnight.
 (Address: "Ae" building, ground floor, Main Laboratory of Dept. Fluid Mech.)
Theoretically, registration is needed for this event, but, in reality, if you come here to the lab entrance than you won't be sent away even if you are not pre-registered. :-)

Dr. Jenő M. Suda assistant professor
Dept. Fluid Mech, "Ae" 108.